From The Director: Two new offerings from the CFT!
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 in CFT Programs, CFT Services, Events, From the Director, News, one button studio.
I’m excited to announce two new offerings from the Center for Teaching!
The CFT is the new home for the University Courses program, launched in 2016 by the Provost’s Office to encourage and support “cross-college” teaching as part of the Academic Strategic Plan. I’ve been impressed with the vibrant partnerships the program has fostered, as well as the creative and experiential teaching strategies used across the program. I’m looking forward to working with current and future University Courses faculty as they practice interdisciplinary team teaching and engage students in deep learning. Proposals for the next cohort of University Courses are due November 22nd.
The CFT’s new One Button Studio is now available for faculty and other instructors to use in support of their teaching. The One Button Studio is an automated video studio that can be used without any previous video production experience. Users simply plug a flash drive into a USB port and push a button to start recording. All of the lighting, audio, and video equipment is pre-set. Faculty are encouraged to use the studio to create educational videos for student review, flipped classrooms, online teaching, and more. Drop in to see the studio, or schedule an appointment.

The One Button Studio is the first of several new digital media services the CFT is rolling out this academic year, thanks to CFT educational technologist Rhett McDaniel and the CFT’s newest staff member, Carly Byer, who joined in October as a digital media specialist. Carly is a recent graduate of Belmont University, where she studied video production and design communication. She worked as a videographer, video editor, and studio manager before joining the CFT. Rhett and Carly are available to help faculty create and use digital media, including video and audio, in their teaching.
Welcome to the CFT, Carly!
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