Register for our Latest Online Course Design Institute!
Posted by Carly Byer on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 in Events, ocdi, online course design institute, online teaching.
This structured professional development opportunity for Vanderbilt faculty, grad students, and other instructors will explore effective practices in online education and help instructors plan their upcoming online courses.
For those who weren’t able to take the intensive version of the OCDI in the summer, there is still time to join this fully online, five week course. Synchronous meetings will take place two times per week via Zoom, all other content will be asynchronous on Brightspace.
During the institute participants will:
- Develop a course plan for their upcoming online course, one that integrates learning objectives with assessments, assignments, and activities;
- Build one or more sample modules for their courses, practicing the skills they will use to build other modules;
- Plan strategies for helping their online students thrive, including strategies for promoting meaningful interaction, social presence, and equitable learning; and
- Learn about the affordances of online teaching tools, identify tools that align with their goals, and develop practical skills using those tools.
The Online Course Design Institute will consist of a mix of asynchronous and synchronous activities, with time built in for individual course planning and digital tool practice. The total time commitment is expected to be 8 hours per week during the institute.
Participants will work through a series of asynchronous Brightspace modules leading through a course design process. They will also meet once or twice each week via Zoom with a small cohort for peer feedback on course plans.
This cohort will be facilitated by staff at the Center for Teaching. For more detailed information about the OCDI, including module screenshots, view the OCDI Overview PDF document.
Dates: October 12th – November 11th
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