Teaching Assistant Orientation
Posted by shephs2 on Thursday, August 12, 2021 in Events, Orientation, Teaching Assistants.
Many graduate students are awarded teaching assistantships, and while teaching assistant (TA) duties vary across departments, they all demand considerable skill and knowledge. These duties can include grading, consulting with students during office hours, leading discussion or problem sessions, teaching labs, or giving lectures.
To assist new TAs as they prepare for their duties, the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching offers its Teaching Assistant Orientation (TAO) each August.
- Sessions at the orientation offer effective strategies for the varied teaching duties assumed by TAs and provide information on campus resources available to TAs.
- Participants at TAO also receive an opportunity to practice their teaching skills and receive feedback on their teaching from experienced teachers.
- Participation in the orientation can make students’ work as TAs easier and will be a valuable addition to their curriculum vitae, especially if they intend to pursue an academic career.
TAO is being held remotely via Brightspace and Zoom, August 16-18, 2021. Synchronous sessions will be from 9:00-11:00am on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Students will be expected to work asynchronously in the afternoons of those days between 12:30-2:00pm.
Visit the TAO Orientation page for details and to register.
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