World on Wednesdays

Posted by on Thursday, February 5, 2015 in Activities Everyone.

Kosher and Halal Food Offerings: Making way for Interfaith Dialogue at the table

Presented by Mike Zimmerman & John Compton

As college and university campuses become more diverse, students are encountering other students from various cultures and faiths around the world. The best way to learn about another’s culture is to break bread. As schools around the nation are updating their food offerings to reflect the needs of their changing student bodies, students of different backgrounds are given the opportunity to meet, discuss, and learn about how diverse, yet similar the world’s traditions are. Learn this trend can lead to opportunities for dialogue, growth, and community building.

SLC Lower Level Meeting room 1 & 2


Open to the public

Food and Drinks Provided

Sponsored by: International Student and Scholar Services

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