Sin Big: Why Mary Daly’s Insights (and Her Limitations) Are Valuable to Us Now

Posted by on Thursday, February 22, 2018 in News.


Sin Big: Why Mary Daly’s Insights (and Her Limitations) Are Valuable to Us Now

Thurday, March 1 | 1:10 p.m. | Wilson 112

Mary Daly, radical feminist elemental philosopher (and sometime theologian) spurred much of feminist thought from the 1970s forward.  Her work is provocative, historically important, and troubling, but still influential.  Is the work of these early radical feminist thinkers useful at all to us today?

Jennifer Rycenga is Professor of Comparative Religious Studies at San José State University and co-editor with Linda Barufaldi of The Mary Daly Reader

Sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and the Carpenter program in Religion, Gender and Sexuality

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