Derek's blog posts

Farewell Reception for Cynthia Brame
Our longtime colleague Cynthia Brame is leaving the Center for Teaching in August for a new faculty position in biological sciences here at Vanderbilt. We’re celebrating Cynthia and her decade of work at the Center for Teaching with a farewell reception at 4pm on Thursday, August 11th, in Alumni Hall. If your work at Vanderbilt…
Posted by Derek Bruff on July 27, 2022 in Cynthia Brame, Events, Farewell

Student Success in Introductory STEM Courses
Chris Rasmussen, professor of mathematics education at San Diego State University, is giving a talk titled “Insights from Two National Studies of Precalculus through Calculus 2” on April 15th from 12:10 to 1:00pm. While the talk is part of the Department of Mathematics colloquium, it is likely to be of interest to faculty outside of…
Posted by Derek Bruff on April 1, 2022 in educational development, Events, News, STEM, STEM teaching

Excellence in (Student) Podcasting Submissions Now Open
The Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities is sponsoring the second annual Excellence in Podcasting Competition, in collaboration with the Office of Immersion Resources and the Center for Teaching. We had really fantastic student submissions last year, and you can listen to the winning submissions on our podcast VandyVox. If you know of students who…
Posted by Derek Bruff on February 16, 2022 in Center for Humanities, Digital Humanities, Events, News, Podcast, Podcasting, VandyVox

Celebrating the Center for Teaching’s 35th Anniversary
by Derek Bruff, executive director The Vanderbilt Center for Teaching was founded in 1986. That means that we are celebrating our 35th anniversary this year! The Center for Teaching started as a small unit in the College of Arts & Science led by our founding director Ken Bain, author of What the Best College Teachers Do (Harvard…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 30, 2021 in 35th Anniversary, Events, News

A Conversation on Teaching Collaborations and Digital Literacies
The next conversation in our “teaching digital literacies” series is coming up in two weeks! Helping our students develop digital literacies often involves moving outside our own areas of expertise–and comfort zones. How can we collaborate with others to teach students skills that we ourselves are still learning? Join us for a conversation on collaborations…
Posted by Derek Bruff on February 5, 2019 in digital literacies, Events, team teaching

Top Hat Week Is Here!
by Derek Bruff, CFT Director It’s Top Hat Week at Vanderbilt! What does that mean? Well, we’re encouraging everyone teaching a class at Vanderbilt this week to try Top Hat, Vanderbilt’s in-class polling system. You can use Top Hat to pose a multiple-choice or free-response question to your students and have them respond using their…
Posted by Derek Bruff on January 28, 2019 in Educational Technology, Events, Top Hat

Attend the Celebration of Learning on February 4th
On February 4th the Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of students as producers. Research projects and design initiatives, podcasts and documentaries, candle-making devices and board games, clothing catalogs and virtual reality simulations… these and more will be on display in Alumni Hall from 2pm to 4pm. We’re inviting faculty,…
Posted by Derek Bruff on January 25, 2019 in Events

Vanderbilt Instructors Open Their Classroom Doors on September 24, 25, and 26
Would you like to watch one of your colleagues teach to see how they manage the classroom, engage students, or address challenging subjects? Do you ever feel like you toil in private to learn how to teach? You’re not alone. Too often in higher education we instructors do not have the opportunity to watch and…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 18, 2018 in Events, open classroom

You’re Invited to a Celebration of Learning on January 29th!
On Monday, January 29th, from 2 to 5 p.m., the Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of students as producers. The event will feature posters, presentations, and projects by students from all over campus, sharing what they have learned, created, designed, and discovered. All faculty, staff, and students at Vanderbilt…
Posted by Derek Bruff on January 22, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Events, Students as Producers

Student-Produced Podcasts: A Conversation on Digital Pedagogy, November 7th
Podcasts have been around since the early 2000s, but the medium has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, thanks to increasing smart phone adoption and to very popular podcasts like Serial and Radiolab. Educational uses of podcasts are growing, as well. Some instructors create podcasts for use in their courses, others assign podcasts as “texts”…
Posted by Derek Bruff on October 3, 2017 in Digital Pedagogy, Educational Technology, Events, Podcasting
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