Derek's blog posts

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Fair – September 1st, 4-5:30pm
by Derek Bruff, CFT Director As part of our “Students as Producers” theme last year, the Center for Teaching brought attention to teaching strategies that engage students not only as consumers of information, but also as producers of knowledge. We…
Posted by Derek Bruff on August 29, 2014 in Events, Students as Producers

Just in Time for the Fall Semester – Faculty Teaching Workshops August 18 and 19
The Center for Teaching is hosting four Teaching Workshops for faculty next week, just in time for the start of the fall semester. Topics include writing multiple-choice test items, designing effective PowerPoint presentations, facilitating difficult discussions in class, and reducing…
Posted by Derek Bruff on August 12, 2014 in Events, Faculty Teaching Workshop

A Career Symposium on May 30th: Where Can You Go With a Science PhD?
The Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office of Career Development and the Vanderbilt Medical Alumni Association are sponsoring a career symposium on May 30th for graduate students and post-docs in the sciences. From the press release: Think you know…
Posted by Derek Bruff on May 13, 2014 in Events, Future Faculty, STEM

ShareFest: A Showcase of Emerging Communication Strategies – Today at 4pm
ShareFest is a showcase of emerging communication strategies scheduled for 4:10 to 5:30 p.m. today at the First Amendment Center, with a reception following. Expect a fast moving, interactive format featuring a variety of innovative communications strategies used on campus….
Posted by Derek Bruff on April 9, 2014 in Events, Visual Thinking

Forman Lecture on Physics Education: Learning Physics through Technology
The Department of Physics & Astronomy’s annual Forman Lecture on physics education will feature Wilton Virgo from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The talk, scheduled for Thursday, April 11, at 3 p.m. in Stevenson Center 4327, is titled “Six Easy…
Posted by Derek Bruff on April 8, 2014 in Educational Technology, Events, STEM

A Look at Student Learning Across Campus
by Derek Bruff, CFT Director Original research by first- and second-year undergraduates conducted within a biology lab course. Original short stories written for a Spanish course. MRI machines built by engineering students in a design course. Video documentaries created by…
Posted by Derek Bruff on March 12, 2014 in Celebration of Learning, Events, Students as Producers

TAing to Thousands: A Graduate Student MOOC Panel, February 24th
What is it like to serve as a teaching assistant in a course with thousands of students? On Monday, February 24th, a panel of graduate students will share their experiences serving as teaching staff in Vanderbilt’s massive open online courses…
Posted by Derek Bruff on February 18, 2014 in Coursera, Events, Future Faculty, MOOCs

Designing Spaces for Learning: What’s Next? – Monday, December 9th
by Derek Bruff, CFT Director The Space, Learning, and Mobility Lab (SLAMLab) at Peabody College, Peabody International Affairs, and the Vanderbilt International Office are hosting a presentation and interactive reception on the topic of learning spaces on Monday, December 9th….
Posted by Derek Bruff on December 5, 2013 in Events, Learning Spaces

Save the Date: A Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014
The final event in the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching’s “Students as Producers” theme year will be a Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014, in Alumni Hall. The event, held from 3 to 6 p.m. on the last day of…
Posted by Derek Bruff on October 30, 2013 in Events, Students as Producers

Eric Mazur on the Flipped Classroom and Peer Instruction, April 4th
by Derek Bruff, CFT Director If you’re interested in improving student learning in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields or in large classes of any discipline, you won’t want to miss Harvard physics professor Eric Mazur’s talk in Light…
Posted by Derek Bruff on March 14, 2013 in Clickers, Events, Flipped Classroom, Large Classes, STEM
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