marci.l.angevine@Vanderbilt.Edu's blog posts

J-2 Employment Workshop

Find out how to apply for work authorization for your J-2 Dependants. Location: Student Life Center, Lower Level Meeting Room 3.

Posted by on February 5, 2014 in Activities FJ

International Lens Film: Sergeant Rutledge

Presented by Frank E. Dobson, Jr., Director, Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center
USA (1960) Dir. John Ford. The first big budget Western to feature a black hero, this military courtroom drama from director John Ford stars his long-time stock pl…

Posted by on January 30, 2014 in Activities Everyone

International Lens Film: O Apóstolo

Presented by Maria Paz Pintane, Senior Lecturer in Spanish Spain (2012) Dir. Fernando Cortizo. A gothic mystery and a dark adult fairy tale wonderfully realized through stop-motion animation. The world created is meticulously detailed and characters are brought to life by a cast of talented voice actors… Cortizo builds a palpably chilling atmosphere  and injects…

Posted by on January 23, 2014 in Activities Everyone

International Lens Film: Beer Is Cheaper than Therapy

Presented by Kenneth MacLeish, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Health, and Society USA (2011) Dir. Simone DeVries. Across the nation, young troops who became psychologically overwhelmed while fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and were told by dismissive commanders “that beer is cheaper than therapy” are returning stateside to cope with severe psychological trauma on their own.”…

Posted by on January 23, 2014 in Activities Everyone

International Lens Film: Traveling Light

Presented by Jonathan Rattner, Assistant Professor of Film Studies and Art, and Assistant Director of Film Studies; and Thomas C. McGrath, A&S 2016 USA (2012) Dir. Gina Telaroli. Looking out the window of a moving train is similar to watching a movie in the passive observation of a moving world. Traveling Light makes the view…

Posted by on January 16, 2014 in Activities Everyone

OPT Workshop

Graduating in May or August 2014? Attend this session to find out how to apply for Optional Practical Training.  Student Life Center, Lower Level Meeting Roooms 1 and 2.

Posted by on January 14, 2014 in Activities FJ

International Lens Film: Hafu

Presented by Ruth Rogaski, Associate Professor of History and Director of Asian Studies. Japan (2013) Dir. Megumi Nishikura and Lara Perez Takagi. The filmmakers explore the “mixed race experience” in Japan. Megumi Nishikura will be present for post-screening discussion. Japanese with English Subtitles. 90 mins. DVD. Underwritten in part by Intercultural Affairs and Advocacy. Takes…

Posted by on January 13, 2014 in Activities Everyone

OPT Workshop

Graduating in May or August 2014? Attend this session to find out how to apply for Optional Practical Training.  Student Life Center, Lower Level Meeting Roooms 1 and 2.

Posted by on January 8, 2014 in Activities FJ

OPT Workshop

Graduating in May or August 2014? Attend this session to find out how to apply for Optional Practical Training.  Student Life Center, Lower Level Meeting Roooms 1 and 2.

Posted by on January 8, 2014 in Activities FJ

OPT Workshop

Graduating in May or August 2014? Attend this session to find out how to apply for Optional Practical Training.  Student Life Center, Lower Level Meeting Roooms 1 and 2

Posted by on January 8, 2014 in Activities FJ