Rhett's blog posts

Microaggression Teaching Workshop March 16

When teaching, it is almost guaranteed that microaggressions will take place. These seemingly small, ostensibly singular manifestations of oppression can deleteriously effect the teaching-learning environment, our students, and ourselves. As common as microaggressions are, it is equally common that educators are at times unsure of the best way to intervene, particularly in ways that maintain…

Posted by on March 8, 2017 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, Inclusive Teaching, microaggressions, News

“Students as Producers” Course Design Institute May 8-10

The CFT invites Vanderbilt faculty members to apply to its 2017 Course Design Institute on the theme of “Students as Producers.” During the three-day institute (May 8-10, 2017) participants will design (or redesign) courses that engage students not only as consumers of information, but producers of knowledge. This year’s institute will include a track for…

Posted by on March 6, 2017 in CDI, CFT Programs, Course Design, Events, News, Students as Producers

Instructors Open Classroom Doors for Two Days of Teaching Visits Across Campus

by Marianna Sharp, CFT Communications Intern This year’s Open Dores Teaching Visits program was a success. On September 27th and 28th dozens of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students visited forty classrooms and observed the teaching practices of faculty in a wide variety of disciplines. On Wednesday afternoon, a number of the hosts and visitors gathered…

Posted by on October 6, 2016 in CFT Event, Events, News, Teaching Visit

Instructors Open Classroom Doors for Two Days of Teaching Visits Across Campus

by Marianna Sharp, CFT Communications Intern This year’s Open Dores Teaching Visits program was a success. On September 27th and 28th dozens of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students visited forty classrooms and observed the teaching practices of faculty in a wide variety of disciplines. On Wednesday afternoon, a number of the hosts and visitors gathered…

Posted by on October 6, 2016 in CFT Event, Events, News, Teaching Visit

Advancing Open Access & Open Education at Vanderbilt Talk this Thursday

Members of the Vanderbilt teaching community interested in open education might be interested in a talk this Thursday at the library. Nick Shockey, Director of Programs and Engagement, and Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education, at the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) are speaking at Vanderbilt on Thursday, September 29 at 10:00am in…

Posted by on September 27, 2016 in book publisher, Events, News, open educational resources

Advancing Open Access & Open Education at Vanderbilt Talk this Thursday

Members of the Vanderbilt teaching community interested in open education might be interested in a talk this Thursday at the library. Nick Shockey, Director of Programs and Engagement, and Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education, at the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) are speaking at Vanderbilt on Thursday, September 29 at 10:00am in…

Posted by on September 27, 2016 in book publisher, Events, News, open educational resources

Open Dores: Two Days of Teaching Visits

by Marianna Sharp On September 27th and 28th some of Vanderbilt’s talented faculty members will be opening their classrooms to their fellow professors and graduate students. This year’s Open Dores CFT event differs somewhat from past years’ Teaching Visit programming—more condensed, but with a wider selection of classrooms open for visitors. In past years, visits…

Posted by on September 21, 2016 in CFT Event, Events, News, Teaching Visit

Open Dores: Two Days of Teaching Visits

by Marianna Sharp, CFT Communications Intern On September 27th and 28th some of Vanderbilt’s talented faculty members will be opening their classrooms to their fellow professors and graduate students. This year’s Open Dores CFT event differs somewhat from past years’ Teaching Visit programming—more condensed, but with a wider selection of classrooms open for visitors. In…

Posted by on September 21, 2016 in CFT Event, Events, News, Teaching Visit

Cultural Heritage at Scale: A Semantic Web Symposium at Vanderbilt

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Vanderbilt University formed the Committee on Coherence at Scale for Higher Education in 2012 to examine emerging national-scale digital projects. The Committee on Coherence at Scale fosters strategic thinking about how to rigorously manage the transition from analog to digital in higher education. The Jean and…

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in Digital Pedagogy, Events, News

Cultural Heritage at Scale: A Semantic Web Symposium at Vanderbilt

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Vanderbilt University formed the Committee on Coherence at Scale for Higher Education in 2012 to examine emerging national-scale digital projects. The Committee on Coherence at Scale fosters strategic thinking about how to rigorously manage the transition from analog to digital in higher education. The Jean and…

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in Digital Pedagogy, Events, News