radhika.reddy@Vanderbilt.Edu's blog posts

World on Wednesday: Reconciling Volunteerism and Research with Environmental and Social Justice

Location: Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Every day it is becoming more evident that the struggles for environmental justice and social justice overlap tremendously. As globalization leads to the degradation of delicate ecosystems, an unseen side-effect is the collapse of the often rural communities that depend on those ecosystems to…

Posted by on September 17, 2014 in Activities Everyone

WOW: Connecting Multicultural Populations with Disability Resources

Location: Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Presented by: Alexander Santana, The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center/TN Disability Pathfinder Overview of Tennessee Disability Pathfinder’s Multicultural Outreach Project, which included a statewide bilingual HELPline, website resources family support group, and community trainings on a local, state, and national level, online Camino Seguro database of…

Posted by on September 10, 2014 in Activities Everyone

J-1 Students and J-2 Dependents Employment Session

Location: Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Room 3

Posted by on September 5, 2014 in Activities FJ

OPT Employment Session

Location: Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 If you are an F-1 student who will be graduating this year please join us to learn more about your employment opportunities after graduation. Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an employment option available to F-1 students when the employment is directly related to the…

Posted by on September 5, 2014 in Activities FJ

OPT Employment Session

Location: Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 If you are an F-1 student who will be graduating this year please join us to learn more about your employment opportunities after graduation. Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an employment option available to F-1 students when the employment is directly related to the…

Posted by on September 5, 2014 in Activities FJ

OPT Employment Session

Location: Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 If you are an F-1 student who will be graduating this year please join us to learn more about your employment opportunities after graduation. Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an employment option available to F-1 students when the employment is directly related to the…

Posted by on September 5, 2014 in Activities FJ

WOW: A Brief Introduction to Chinese Philosophers and Religion

Presented by: Jun Li, Vanderbilt Doctoral Student In the past thousands of years, do Chinese students have religion? What makes Chinese religion quite different from that of many other cultures? How did Chinese philosophers connect with religion? Three famous Chinese philosophers, Confucious, Lao-tze, and Huineng, as well as some of their great followers will be…

Posted by on September 3, 2014 in Activities Everyone

WOW: How a U.S. Carbon Fee and Dividend Can Help Solve Global Warming

Global warming is a growing concern in the U.S. and internationally. Although reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a challenge, there is a solution that even conservatives support: a carbon-fee-and-dividend that taxes fossil fuels while returning 100% of the revenue to households. This presentation will explain how a carbon-fee-and-dividend would stimulate the economy while reducing emissions,…

Posted by on September 3, 2014 in Activities Everyone

WOW: Biomedical Research Internships in Asia, Europe, and United States

Presented by: Takuya Kikuchi, VU Molecular Physiology
Come learn about biomedical research in Japan, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and the United States. Discussion pertaining to how cultural differences impact both the research conducted and aspects of col…

Posted by on August 28, 2014 in Activities Everyone

World on Wednesday

International Disaster Assistance —  Wednesday, August 27th, – 12:00pm Student Life Center Lower Level Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Natural Disasters and Conflct-Related Emergencies have a variety of negative effects on affected populations. This presentation will outline the U.S. Government humanintarian assistance in counrties all around the world. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/isss/wp-content/uploads/WOW-schedule-Fall-14.pdf

Posted by on August 25, 2014 in Activities Everyone