traubjg's blog posts

September Teaching Visit Opportunity
The Teaching Visits program is an important way by which the CFT promotes collaborative inquiry and reflection, providing case-based opportunities for Vanderbilt teachers to consider choices they have when constructing their classes. A small group of visitors observes a host’s class on a selected day and then engages in an hour of conversation with the…
Posted by traubjg on September 15, 2015 in Events, STEM teaching, Teaching Visit

New Educational Technology Working Groups
At the Center for Teaching, we regularly consult with faculty and graduate student instructors on ways to use technology to meet their teaching and learning objectives. Although technology use should always be driven by pedagogical priorities, sometimes instructors learn about particular technologies and want to explore ways those technologies might fit their teaching needs. This…
Posted by traubjg on September 10, 2015 in Course Blogs, Educational Technology, Events, News

Join the CFT’s Learning Community on Community Engagement Pedagogies
The CFT is proud to continue its programming for faculty and graduate students interested in community engagement pedagogies (often called service learning), with a year-long discussion group or learning community. As former Vanderbilt faculty Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles once stated, service learning is “a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a…
Posted by traubjg on September 8, 2015 in Community Engagement, Events, Faculty, graduate students, News, Service-Learning

Teaching Workshops to Help You Prepare for Fall Courses
During the week classes begin, the CFT will be offering the following workshops for new and returning faculty: Teaching Inclusively to Diverse Groups Date: Monday, August 24 Time: 11:30am-1:00pm Location: Center for Teaching Facilitator: Joe Bandy, CFT Assistant Director Audience: New and Returning Faculty In our increasingly diverse classrooms, it is important to support the development…
Posted by traubjg on August 10, 2015 in blackboard, diversity, Events, Faculty Teaching Workshop, Flipped Classroom, News, PowerPoint

Flipping the Classroom: Putting Principles Into Practice
Date: Tuesday, August 25 Time: 11:30am-1:00pm Location: Center for Teaching Facilitator: Cynthia Brame, CFT Assistant Director Audience: New and Returning Faculty The flipped classroom has captured the attention of the higher education community with its promise to help students prepare before class for more engaged, critical learning in class. The ideas behind the flipped classroom…
Posted by traubjg on August 3, 2015 in Events, Faculty Teaching Workshop, Flipped Classroom, workshop

Teaching Inclusively to Diverse Groups
Date: Monday, August 24 Time: 11:30am-1:00pm Location: Center for Teaching Facilitator: Joe Bandy, CFT Assistant Director Audience: New and Returning Faculty In our increasingly diverse classrooms, it is important to support the development of every student and to structure equal opportunities for learning for all who enroll. Unfortunately, our teaching practices may fall short in…
Posted by traubjg on July 24, 2015 in diversity, Events, Faculty Teaching Workshop, workshop

Mark your calendar & spread the word about upcoming August orientations
Teaching at Vanderbilt (TaV), an orientation for junior and senior faculty new to Vanderbilt, will be held from 1p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 20th, 2015, in Buttrick Hall. Those interested in attending should RSVP by August 14th by registering online or by calling the Center for Teaching at (615) 322-7290. Throughout the week following TAV Orientation…
Posted by traubjg on July 16, 2015 in Events, Future Faculty, graduate students, Junior Faculty, News, Orientation, Teaching Assistants

Blended & Online Learning Design (BOLD) Fellows
Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching and the CIRTL Network(Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning) share a mission to enhance excellence in undergraduate teaching by offering the BOLD Fellows program. The CFT honors the six faculty/student teams that created online instructional modules during the program’s inaugural year! We invite you to hear presentations of their…
Posted by traubjg on May 15, 2015 in bold fellows, CFT Programs, Events, News, Online Education, STEM

Symposium on Teaching, Difference, and Power April 21st, 2pm
Among the greatest challenges facing higher education in the US is the difficulty of creating diverse and democratic campus cultures and confronting, rather than replicating, an array of social inequalities. The Center for Teaching selected “Teaching, Difference, and Power” as its annual theme to understand the challenges educators face in negotiating difference and power in…
Posted by traubjg on April 13, 2015 in diversity, event, Events, News, Teaching Difference and Power

Upcoming Conversations on Digital Pedagogy
Interest in seeing what effective educational technology use looks like in practice is fueling a new series of conversations on teaching sponsored by the CFT and the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning (VIDL). Conversations on Digital Pedagogy, will feature Vanderbilt instructors describing and reflecting on the ways they use educational technologies to enhance student learning….
Posted by traubjg on March 18, 2015 in CFT Event, Digital Pedagogy, Educational Technology, Events, Flipped Classroom, Twitter
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