tveitts's blog posts

Upcoming Graduate Student & Postdoc Teaching Workshop: Crafting Effective Teaching Statements – Wednesday, Sept 23rd, 3:30-5:00pm
Crafting Effective Teaching Statements Facilitator: Dani Picard, Graduate Teaching Fellow, Center for Teaching Date & Time: Wednesday, Sept 23rd, 3:30-5:00pm Location: CFT Classroom, 1114 19th Ave South, 3rd floor In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students…
Posted by tveitts on September 13, 2015 in Events, graduate students, News, Teaching Workshops

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Lorraine Lopez, Associate Professor of English, Tuesday, February 24th
ENGL 199: Foundations of Literary Study Imaginative Writing: Joining the Conversation Lorraine Lopez is an associate professor of English and co-director of Vanderbilt’s multidisciplinary program in Latino and Latina Studies. In this course, Lorraine helps her students consider the questions…
Posted by tveitts on February 10, 2015 in Events, News, Teaching Difference and Power, Teaching Visit, Teaching Writing

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Orrin H. Ingram Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Wednesday, February 18th
BME 260: Analysis of Biomedical Data Anita Mahadevan-Jansen is a professor of Biomedical Engineering and director of CIRTL-at-Vanderbilt, an initiative focused on professional development of STEM graduate students and post-docs around teaching. In BME 260, Anita focuses on helping students…
Posted by tveitts on February 4, 2015 in Discussion Leading, Events, News, STEM, Teaching Difference and Power, Teaching Visit

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Paul Kramer, Associate Professor of History Thursday, February 12th
HIST 272: Debating America in the World Paul Kramer is an associate professor of history and author of The Blood of Government: Race, Empire, the United States and the Philippines. In HIST 272, he guides upper level undergraduates as they…
Posted by tveitts on January 29, 2015 in Discussion Leading, Events, News, Teaching Visit

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Craig Smith, Associate Professor in Psychology and Human Development Friday January 30th
PSY-PC 1700: Social and Emotional Context of Cognition Craig Smith is Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development as well as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies at Peabody College. In PSY-PC 1700, he works with students to understand how the…
Posted by tveitts on January 16, 2015 in Discussion Leading, Events, News, Teaching Visit

Upcoming Teaching Workshop Monday November 3rd: What is SoTL?: Stepping into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Stepping into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Date: Wednesday, November 5th Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm (food will be provided) Location: Center for Teaching, 1114 19th Ave South, 3rd Floor Facilitators: Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director & Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching…
Posted by tveitts on October 30, 2014 in Events, News, SoTL, SoTL Scholars Program

Upcoming Teaching. Writing. Learning: Conversation with Amanda Benson
Sponsored by the Center for Teaching, the Writing Studio, and the Heard Library; “Teaching. Writing. Learning.” is a series of monthly lunchtime conversations for anyone who teaches writing at Vanderbilt to gather and discuss specific issues, hear an invited colleague…
Posted by tveitts on January 14, 2014 in Events, News

Upcoming Teaching. Writing. Learning: Conversation with Melinda Brown
Fear, Tired, Dread, Excited: Student Feelings and the Research Assignment Thinking about your Spring 2014 assignments? Participate in this conversation to identify concrete strategies for writing research assignments that maximize positive student responses. Wednesday, November 20 12:10-1:00, Community Room, Central…
Posted by tveitts on November 13, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming Teaching Worshop – Engaging Students as Learners and as Participants in Community Building: The Synergies of Service Learning
Date: Thursday, November 14th Time: 4:10 – 5:30 Location: Center for Teaching Facilitator: Joe Bandy Audience: Faculty, Students (Undergraduate and Graduate), and Staff Service learning is a pedagogy that combines the learning goals of your courses and the ideals of…
Posted by tveitts on November 7, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Luke Froeb on October 28th
The Teaching Visits program is an important way by which the CFT promotes collaborative inquiry and reflection. Specifically, the Teaching Visits program provides case-based opportunities for Vanderbilt teachers to consider choices they have when constructing their classes. A small group…
Posted by tveitts on October 21, 2013 in Events, News
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