Active Learning

Active Learning Online: Five Key Principles with Stephen M. Kosslyn
Active learning leads to substantially better learning than occurs with traditional lecturing. This workshop will review the nature of active learning and explain why it is so effective. The workshop will focus on five fundamental principles drawn from the science of learning; these principles range from Deep Processing (the more mental effort one expends when…
Posted by Carly Byer on March 22, 2021 in Active Learning, Events, online teaching, Teaching Workshops

Science Teaching Lunch on more inclusive active learning classrooms: How groups of students are differentially impacted by active learning
Join Professor Sara Brownell at a Science Teaching Lunch as she discusses her lab’s work investigating some “off-target” effects of active learning. Professor Brownell writes, “To what extent do students experience college science classrooms differently because of their social identities? How has transitioning traditional lecture courses to active learning spaces impacted students? What can instructors…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on November 18, 2019 in Active Learning, Events, Inclusive Teaching, News, science teaching

Top Hat Week Begins Jan. 28th!
Are you interested in new ways to engage your students during class? Top Hat is Vanderbilt’s classroom response system, available for free to all faculty, staff, and students. Using Top Hat, instructors can pose polling questions and ask all their students to respond using their phones or laptops. Top Hat quickly collects and visualizes student…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on January 13, 2019 in Active Learning, Educational Technology, Events, Polling Systems, Top Hat

TAing to Thousands: A Graduate Student MOOC Panel
What is it like to serve as a teaching assistant in a course with thousands of students? On February 24, 2014, the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning, Center for Teaching, Graduate School, and Jean & Alexander Heard Library co-sponsored a…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on March 19, 2014 in Active Learning, Course Design, Educational Technology, Events, MOOCs, News
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