
Upcoming Brightspace Worskhops
CFT staff offer Brightspace workshops for instructors interested in learning how to use Brightspace tools effectively and efficiently. We are also available during the academic year to facilitate Brightspace workshops on topics both general and specific for departments, programs, and schools, upon request. Email to ask about these offerings or the possibility of an invited…
Posted by Carly Byer on February 1, 2021 in brightspace, Discussions, Events, Grading, Resource, workshops

Brightspace Workshops
CFT staff offer Brightspace workshops for instructors interested in learning how to use Brightspace tools effectively and efficiently. We are also available during the academic year to facilitate Brightspace workshops on topics both general and specific for departments, programs, and schools, upon request. Email to ask about these offerings or the possibility of an invited…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 25, 2021 in Assignments, brightspace, Discussions, Events, Grading, Resource

Brightspace Workshops
CFT staff offer Brightspace workshops for instructors interested in learning how to use Brightspace tools effectively and efficiently. We are also available during the academic year to facilitate Brightspace workshops on topics both general and specific for departments, programs, and schools, upon request. Email to ask about these offerings or the possibility of an invited…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 11, 2021 in Assignments, brightspace, Discussions, Events, Grading, Resource

Brightspace and Teaching Focused Workshops for the Fall
We have several Brightspace and online teaching focused workshops lined up for September. Offerings include: Grades and Feedback in Brightspace Participants in this workshop will learn how to organize their gradebook and about the range of tools available in Brightspace to make grading and feedback more efficient and effective. September 2, 12:00-1:30pm. REGISTER Assignments in…
Posted by Carly Byer on September 2, 2020 in brightspace, Events, Grading, online teaching, Resource

Turnitin Workshop on Wednesday August 12
Join our partners from Turnitin on Wednesday, August 12th at 2pm for a workshop catered toward online teaching. In this session, we’ll be reviewing the many ways Turnitin can help facilitate learning and assessment in online spaces. This workshop is open to all Vanderbilt faculty, staff, and teaching assistants and will be held through Zoom….
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on August 10, 2020 in brightspace, Events, online exams, online teaching, turnitin

Brush up on Some Essential Brightspace skills
Brush up on some essential Brightspace skills before teaching in an online or hybrid format this fall. Join Stacey, the CFT’s Assistant Director for Educational Technology, on Zoom for workshops about Brightspace tools including Discussions and Grades/Feedback. You can register and learn more about the available workshops on the Brightspace workshops page. If you will be…
Posted by Carly Byer on August 4, 2020 in brightspace, Events, Resource, workshops

August Workshops from the Center for Teaching
For faculty and other instructors looking for a lot of ideas for teaching this fall in a short amount of time, the Center for Teaching is offering a variety of online workshops in August. Some workshops are focused on teaching with Brightspace, Vanderbilt’s course management system, while others focus on other aspects of adaptive teaching in…
Posted by Carly Byer on August 3, 2020 in brightspace, Events, Grading, hybrid teaching, online teaching, Resource, Teaching Workshops

Brush up on some essential Brightspace skills before teaching in an online or hybrid format this fall!
Join Stacey, the CFT’s Assistant Director for Educational Technology, on Zoom for workshops about Brightspace tools including Discussions and Grades/Feedback. You can register and learn more about the available workshops on the Brightspace workshops page. If you will be using Brightspace for the first time and want to get to know the content and navigation…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on July 23, 2020 in brightspace, CFT Services, Educational Technology, Events

Sign up for the Brightspace Course Template Workshop
The CFT has developed an online course template for online courses in Brightspace. If you are interested in learning more about the template to see if it might work for you, you can sign up for a one-hour workshop with Brightspace Instructional Technologist, Erica Brandon. Erica will walk you through the elements of the template…
Posted by Carly Byer on July 8, 2020 in brightspace, Events, online courses, Resource

Need Help Using Brightspace as you Plan for Fall Classes?
As you prepare your fall courses, keep in mind all of the Brightspace resources we offer here at the Center for Teaching. July is a great time to get started! Great news! Brightspace now has an Annotations Tool for grading! Learn more about how to use the tool with this guide: Using the Annotations Tool. Please visit our on-demand…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on August 16, 2019 in brightspace, CFT Services, Events, workshop
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