Celebration of Learning

Celebration of Learning: An Exhibition of Students as Producers

On February 4, 2019, the Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of students as producers. The event will feature students from all over campus sharing what they have learned, created, designed, and discovered, providing the Vanderbilt community with a picture of deep learning across the colleges and schools. We are…

Posted by on December 7, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Events, Student Projects, Students as Producers

Celebration of Learning Spotlight: Genetic Screen for Genes Involved in Paternal Mitochondrial DNA Elimination in C. Elegans

Vanderbilt students William Hiser, Alec Jotte, and Sabeen Rehman got hands-on experience with what it means to be scientists. All three students participated in a biological sciences lab course where, under the guidance of Dr. Steve Baskauf and graduate student Cait Kirby, they developed a genetic screen approach to track mitochondrial DNA degradation as the…

Posted by on April 30, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Commentary, Events, Student Poster Sessions, Student Projects, Students as Producers

Celebration of Learning Spotlight: Reading Between the Lines

When the chance to conduct independent research arose, engineering student Allison Witte accepted the opportunity and developed her own project. Entitled Reading Between the Lines: What the News is Really Saying About Water Issues, the project focused on water conservation and how the news conveys information about water quality and issues to the public. The…

Posted by on April 25, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Commentary, Events, Student Projects, Students as Producers

Celebration of Learning Spotlight: Existing Quietly, Living Loudly

Senior mechanical engineering student Elizabeth Lee is happy to have tapped back into her drawing and arts roots. Throughout college, she claims she stuck more to her science, math, and engineering interests, but now in her senior year, she’s returning to an old pastime: drawing. Elizabeth’s project, Existing Quietly, Living Loudly is a web comic…

Posted by on April 19, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Commentary, Events, Student Projects, Students as Producers

Celebration of Learning Spotlight: Mean Sea Level Trends in Regions of the U.S.

First-year Human Organization and Development student Marguerite Manning never considered going into environmental policy until now. Marguerite recently presented her poster Mean Sea Level Trends in Regions of the U.S. at the Vanderbilt Celebration of Learning where she developed this project for an Earth and Environmental Science lab course she was taking. In her project,…

Posted by on April 10, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Commentary, Events, Student Poster Sessions, Student Projects, Students as Producers

Celebration of Learning Spotlight: Using Scalar to Display Vanderbilt University’s Drawings of the Woolworth Building

Architectural drawings and history are of interest to many people, but unfolding and examining these documents can be problematic as they’re very delicate, especially if they’re older. However, thanks to Ellen Dement, there may be a way to appreciate and study these drawings without damaging the original document. For Ellen, the project stated as a…

Posted by on April 5, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Commentary, Events, Student Projects, Students as Producers

You’re Invited to a Celebration of Learning on January 29th!

On Monday, January 29th, from 2 to 5 p.m., the Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of students as producers. The event will feature posters, presentations, and projects by students from all over campus, sharing what they have learned, created, designed, and discovered. All faculty, staff, and students at Vanderbilt…

Posted by on January 22, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Events, Students as Producers

Celebration of Learning: An Exhibition of Students as Producers

On Monday, January 29th, the Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning, an exhibition of students as producers. The event will feature posters, presentations, and performances by students from all over campus, sharing what they have learned, created, designed, and discovered. The event will provide the Vanderbilt community with a picture of immersive…

Posted by on January 10, 2018 in Celebration of Learning, Events

Students as Producers: Animating Organic Chemistry

By Nayana Bose, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow   The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate…

Posted by on June 16, 2014 in Celebration of Learning, Events, News, STEM, Student Projects, Students as Producers

Student as Producer: Poverty in the US: How Education Becomes a Scapegoat

By Nayana Bose, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow   The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate…

Posted by on June 10, 2014 in Celebration of Learning, Events, News, Student Poster Sessions, Student Projects, Students as Producers