Come Work at the Center for Teaching!
Each year the Center for Teaching (CFT) hires a number of graduate students as part of its efforts to mentor and train graduate students, including those serving as teaching assistants or instructors of record here at Vanderbilt as well as those interested in developing teaching skills for future faculty careers. The CFT has several types…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on November 13, 2019 in CiCT, Events, graduate teaching fellows, job opportunity, News, Teaching Affiliates

CFT Offers Summer Intensive Grad and Postdoc Programs
The Center for Teaching is happy to announce that we are offering two Summer Intensive programs this May for Vanderbilt graduate students and postdocs. The first Summer Intensive program is for the Certificate in Humanities Teaching & Learning (CHTL) and is open to humanities graduate students and postdocs. Similar to our academic year-long version of the CHTL,…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on March 13, 2017 in CiCT, Events, gradutate students, Humanities, News, Professional Development

Apply to be part of the Certificate in College Teaching
The Center for Teaching is excited to offer, once again, opportunities for interested graduate students and postdocs to receive our Certificate in College Teaching. The purpose is to gain a clearer, deeper, more active approach to teaching and learning in higher…
Posted by shadbuja on July 5, 2013 in CiCT, Events, graduate students
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