CIRTL Online Coffee Hour Series: Building an Academic Career

Alternative academic career (alt-ac) opportunities appear to be increasing in both number and prominence. What are these positions, and how can you pursue them? How can your teaching or research experience be an asset in these positions? What are the…

Posted by on January 17, 2013 in Career, CIRTL, Events, News, STEM

CIRTL Online Coffee Hour: Teaching at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution, 9/27 at 1pm

See below for this week’s offering from the CIRTL Network’s online coffee house series on building academic careers in science, engineering, and mathematics. This week’s coffee house features two Vanderbilt alumnae, Tara Davis (Mathematics) and Heather Whitney (Physics). Teaching at…

Posted by on September 24, 2012 in CIRTL, Events, Future Faculty, STEM