
Upcoming Teaching Workshop Monday November 3rd: What is SoTL?: Stepping into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Stepping into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Date: Wednesday, November 5th Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm (food will be provided) Location: Center for Teaching, 1114 19th Ave South, 3rd Floor Facilitators: Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director & Vivian Finch, CFT Graduate Teaching…

Posted by on October 30, 2014 in Events, News, SoTL, SoTL Scholars Program

When Words Won’t Suffice

By Ben Galina, Graduate Teaching Fellow  Monday, November 3rd at 7:15pm, our learning community will meet at the Center for Teaching to discuss microagressions. For more information, stop by the CFT, check out our website, or email me or my…

Posted by on October 29, 2014 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, News, Teaching Difference and Power

BOLD Fellows Program is Accepting Applications

We are recruiting graduate students to participate in the BOLD Fellows program beginning in January 2015. The BOLD Fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding…

Posted by on October 13, 2014 in bold fellows, Educational Technology, Events, graduate students, STEM, Student Projects

College Teaching: A Panel for Future STEM Faculty – October 14th

As part of their PhD Career Connections series, Vanderbilt’s Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office is hosting a panel on college teaching for PhD students in the sciences. The panel is scheduled for 9-10am on Tuesday, October 14th, and…

Posted by on September 22, 2014 in Campus Partners, Events, Future Faculty, STEM

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Fair – September 1st, 4-5:30pm

by Derek Bruff, CFT Director As part of our “Students as Producers” theme last year, the Center for Teaching brought attention to teaching strategies that engage students not only as consumers of information, but also as producers of knowledge. We…

Posted by on August 29, 2014 in Events, Students as Producers

Teaching Writing in the 21st Century

The Center for Teaching is again collaborating with the Writing Studio, the Jean & Alexander Heard Library,the English Language Center, and (new this year) the Curb Center to develop resourceful experiences for anyone who teaches writing at Vanderbilt.  This year, we’re sponsoring…

Posted by on August 19, 2014 in Campus Partners, Events, Resource, Teaching Writing

Grading Writing Assignments in Less than a Lifetime

by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director One of the greatest stresses experienced by new faculty (and not-so-new faculty) is the amount of time spent on effective teaching. Parkinson’s Law—the notion that a task expands to fill the time available—seems more true…

Posted by on August 15, 2014 in Commentary, Events, Resource

Just in Time for the Fall Semester – Faculty Teaching Workshops August 18 and 19

The Center for Teaching is hosting four Teaching Workshops for faculty next week, just in time for the start of the fall semester. Topics include writing multiple-choice test items, designing effective PowerPoint presentations, facilitating difficult discussions in class, and reducing…

Posted by on August 12, 2014 in Events, Faculty Teaching Workshop

What Can Faculty Do about Students’ Classroom-Based Anxieties? More Than You Think.

by Nancy Chick (CFT Assistant Director) Last week, The Princeton Review released its annual list of “The Top 10 Colleges for ___,” and Vanderbilt made a big splash by ranking #1 with the Happiest College Students in the US.*  While this…

Posted by on August 4, 2014 in Commentary, Events, Faculty Teaching Workshop, Mindfulness, Resource, stress

Students as Producers: Animating Organic Chemistry

By Nayana Bose, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow   The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate…

Posted by on June 16, 2014 in Celebration of Learning, Events, News, STEM, Student Projects, Students as Producers