
How to (Re)frame Your Teaching for Non-academic Jobs

By Andrew Greer, Graduate Teaching Fellow  Attention fellow graduate students: Eventually we will seek employment outside of our programs. If you’re like me, your search is in full force. With the majority of academic applications behind me, I’ve switched my…

Posted by on February 12, 2014 in Events, GradSTEP, graduate students, Humanities, News, Professional Development, Resource, Social Sciences, STEM

CIRTL Network Development Opportunities

The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL uses graduate education as the leverage point to develop a national STEM faculty committed to implementing and…

Posted by on February 5, 2014 in CIRTL, CIRTLCast, Events, Podcast

Learn to Produce or Produce to Learn?

Vanderbilt faculty members have found a variety of ways to engage students as producers in their classes and guided students to produce work for authentic audiences. The CFT celebrated its 16th annual Graduate Student Teaching Event for Professional Development (GradSTEP)…

Posted by on February 5, 2014 in Educational Technology, Events, GradSTEP, News, Service-Learning, Students as Producers

CFT Thanks JFTF Alumni for Hosting Teaching Visits in January

The CFT thanks the following faculty members, who are alumni of our Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows program, for hosting teaching visits this fall by graduate student and post-doc participants in the CFT’s Certificate in College Teaching program.

Posted by on February 5, 2014 in Events, Teaching Visit

The Mindful PhD: After the Honeymoon

by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director My class is still in the “honeymoon phase,” those carefree weeks in the beginning of the semester when students and instructor alike enjoy each other’s company and insights, before any major papers or exams complicate…

Posted by on January 29, 2014 in Commentary, Events, mindful

Upcoming Teaching. Writing. Learning: Conversation with Amanda Benson

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching, the Writing Studio, and the Heard Library; “Teaching. Writing. Learning.” is a series of monthly lunchtime conversations for anyone who teaches writing at Vanderbilt to gather and discuss specific issues, hear an invited colleague…

Posted by on January 14, 2014 in Events, News

New Partnership, New Opportunities for Humanities Doctoral Students

by Nancy Chick, CFT Assistant Director We at the CFT are thrilled to be part of Vanderbilt’s new Mellon Partners for Humanities Education project to provide “specialized training for new Vanderbilt Ph.D.s in preparing students for teaching at liberal arts…

Posted by on January 8, 2014 in Certificate in College Teaching, Events, graduate teaching fellows, Grants, Humanities, News

CIRTL Coffee Hour: Constructing Your Teaching Portfolio

Ever wonder exactly should be in a teaching portfolio….or perhaps, how you should go about getting the teaching experience that would let you construct one? Don Gillian-Daniel, Jenna Gorlewicz, and Mary Loveless addressed just these questions at a recent CIRTL…

Posted by on December 10, 2013 in CIRTL, Events, News, scholarship of teaching and learning, Teaching Documentation

Designing Spaces for Learning: What’s Next? – Monday, December 9th

by Derek Bruff, CFT Director The Space, Learning, and Mobility Lab (SLAMLab) at Peabody College, Peabody International Affairs, and the Vanderbilt International Office are hosting a presentation and interactive reception on the topic of learning spaces on Monday, December 9th….

Posted by on December 5, 2013 in Events, Learning Spaces

Upcoming Teaching. Writing. Learning: Conversation with Melinda Brown

Fear, Tired, Dread, Excited: Student Feelings and the Research Assignment Thinking about your Spring 2014 assignments? Participate in this conversation to identify concrete strategies for writing research assignments that maximize positive student responses. Wednesday, November 20 12:10-1:00, Community Room, Central…

Posted by on November 13, 2013 in Events, News