
Upcoming Teaching Worshop – Engaging Students as Learners and as Participants in Community Building: The Synergies of Service Learning

Date: Thursday, November 14th Time: 4:10 – 5:30 Location: Center for Teaching Facilitator: Joe Bandy Audience: Faculty, Students (Undergraduate and Graduate), and Staff Service learning is a pedagogy that combines the learning goals of your courses and the ideals of…

Posted by on November 7, 2013 in Events, News

Save the Date: A Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014

The final event in the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching’s “Students as Producers” theme year will be a Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014, in Alumni Hall.  The event, held from 3 to 6 p.m. on the last day of…

Posted by on November 6, 2013 in Celebration of Learning, Events

Save the Date: A Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014

The final event in the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching’s “Students as Producers” theme year will be a Celebration of Learning on April 21, 2014, in Alumni Hall.  The event, held from 3 to 6 p.m. on the last day of…

Posted by on October 30, 2013 in Events, Students as Producers

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Luke Froeb on October 28th

The Teaching Visits program is an important way by which the CFT promotes collaborative inquiry and reflection. Specifically, the Teaching Visits program provides case-based opportunities for Vanderbilt teachers to consider choices they have when constructing their classes. A small group…

Posted by on October 21, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming “Students as Producers” Conversation on Teaching, October 24th

As part of our “Students as Producers” theme year, the Center for Teaching will share and explore ways  that instructors can teach for this kind of learning.   Students, particularly undergraduates, are often seen as “consumers” of  knowledge, memorizing information delivered…

Posted by on October 17, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming Teaching. Writing. Learning: Conversation with James Fraser

Sponsored by the Center for Teaching, the Writing Studio, and the Heard Library; “Teaching. Writing. Learning.” is a series of monthly lunchtime conversations for anyone who teaches writing at Vanderbilt to gather and discuss specific issues, hear an invited colleague…

Posted by on October 15, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Doug Fisher on October 17th

The Teaching Visits program is an important way by which the CFT promotes collaborative inquiry and reflection. Specifically, the Teaching Visits program provides case-based opportunities for Vanderbilt teachers to consider choices they have when constructing their classes. A small group…

Posted by on October 10, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming Teaching Worshop – Beyond the Five-Page Paper: Representing Student Learning Visually

Date: Wednesday, October 16th Time: 3:10 – 4:30 Location: Center for Teaching Facilitators: Derek Bruff and Nancy Chick Audience: Faculty, Students (Undergraduate and Graduate), and Staff There’s no rule that says students must express what they’ve learned in a college…

Posted by on October 9, 2013 in Events, News

Upcoming Faculty Teaching Visit with Jay Clayton on October 15th

The Teaching Visits program is an important way by which the CFT promotes collaborative inquiry and reflection. Specifically, the Teaching Visits program provides case-based opportunities for Vanderbilt teachers to consider choices they have when constructing their classes. A small group…

Posted by on October 8, 2013 in Events, News

Medical Education Grand Rounds, Tuesday, October 1st, Featuring CFT Associate Director Cynthia Brame

The Office for Health Sciences Education, Educator Development Core and the Academy for Excellence in Teaching presents “Flipping the Classroom” In a recent article, this month’s speaker, Cynthia Brame, Ph.D., Assistant Director, at the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching, characterized “flipping the…

Posted by on September 23, 2013 in Events, News