Future Faculty

Mark your calendar & spread the word about upcoming August orientations
Teaching at Vanderbilt (TaV), an orientation for junior and senior faculty new to Vanderbilt, will be held from 1p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 20th, 2015, in Buttrick Hall. Those interested in attending should RSVP by August 14th by registering online or by calling the Center for Teaching at (615) 322-7290. Throughout the week following TAV Orientation…
Posted by traubjg on July 16, 2015 in Events, Future Faculty, graduate students, Junior Faculty, News, Orientation, Teaching Assistants

College Teaching: A Panel for Future STEM Faculty – October 14th
As part of their PhD Career Connections series, Vanderbilt’s Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office is hosting a panel on college teaching for PhD students in the sciences. The panel is scheduled for 9-10am on Tuesday, October 14th, and…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 22, 2014 in Campus Partners, Events, Future Faculty, STEM

A Career Symposium on May 30th: Where Can You Go With a Science PhD?
The Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office of Career Development and the Vanderbilt Medical Alumni Association are sponsoring a career symposium on May 30th for graduate students and post-docs in the sciences. From the press release: Think you know…
Posted by Derek Bruff on May 13, 2014 in Events, Future Faculty, STEM

TAing to Thousands: A Graduate Student MOOC Panel, February 24th
What is it like to serve as a teaching assistant in a course with thousands of students? On Monday, February 24th, a panel of graduate students will share their experiences serving as teaching staff in Vanderbilt’s massive open online courses…
Posted by Derek Bruff on February 18, 2014 in Coursera, Events, Future Faculty, MOOCs

CIRTL Online Coffee Hour: Teaching at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution, 9/27 at 1pm
See below for this week’s offering from the CIRTL Network’s online coffee house series on building academic careers in science, engineering, and mathematics. This week’s coffee house features two Vanderbilt alumnae, Tara Davis (Mathematics) and Heather Whitney (Physics). Teaching at…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 24, 2012 in CIRTL, Events, Future Faculty, STEM
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