
Upcoming Brightspace Worskhops
CFT staff offer Brightspace workshops for instructors interested in learning how to use Brightspace tools effectively and efficiently. We are also available during the academic year to facilitate Brightspace workshops on topics both general and specific for departments, programs, and schools, upon request. Email to ask about these offerings or the possibility of an invited…
Posted by Carly Byer on February 1, 2021 in brightspace, Discussions, Events, Grading, Resource, workshops

Brightspace Workshops
CFT staff offer Brightspace workshops for instructors interested in learning how to use Brightspace tools effectively and efficiently. We are also available during the academic year to facilitate Brightspace workshops on topics both general and specific for departments, programs, and schools, upon request. Email to ask about these offerings or the possibility of an invited…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 25, 2021 in Assignments, brightspace, Discussions, Events, Grading, Resource

Brightspace Workshops
CFT staff offer Brightspace workshops for instructors interested in learning how to use Brightspace tools effectively and efficiently. We are also available during the academic year to facilitate Brightspace workshops on topics both general and specific for departments, programs, and schools, upon request. Email to ask about these offerings or the possibility of an invited…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 11, 2021 in Assignments, brightspace, Discussions, Events, Grading, Resource

Brightspace and Teaching Focused Workshops for the Fall
We have several Brightspace and online teaching focused workshops lined up for September. Offerings include: Grades and Feedback in Brightspace Participants in this workshop will learn how to organize their gradebook and about the range of tools available in Brightspace to make grading and feedback more efficient and effective. September 2, 12:00-1:30pm. REGISTER Assignments in…
Posted by Carly Byer on September 2, 2020 in brightspace, Events, Grading, online teaching, Resource

August Workshops from the Center for Teaching
For faculty and other instructors looking for a lot of ideas for teaching this fall in a short amount of time, the Center for Teaching is offering a variety of online workshops in August. Some workshops are focused on teaching with Brightspace, Vanderbilt’s course management system, while others focus on other aspects of adaptive teaching in…
Posted by Carly Byer on August 3, 2020 in brightspace, Events, Grading, hybrid teaching, online teaching, Resource, Teaching Workshops

Faster grading for free response assignments? Yes, please!
Gradescope is an online, FERPA compliant grading tool that professors can use to grade handwritten exams, typed homework assignments, lab reports and more. Gradescope works well for many types of questions: paragraphs, proofs, diagrams, fill-in-the-blank and true/false to name a few. If your students can upload a pdf of their work, you and your team…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 10, 2020 in Events, Gradescope, Grading, Resource

Faster grading for free response assignments? Yes, please!
Gradescope is an online, FERPA compliant grading tool that professors can use to grade handwritten exams, typed homework assignments, lab reports and more. Gradescope works well for many types of questions: paragraphs, proofs, diagrams, fill-in-the-blank and true/false to name a few. If your students can upload a pdf of their work, you and your team…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 10, 2020 in Events, Gradescope, Grading, Resource

Grading Efficiently: Finding the Time to Grade Fairly
Teaching Affiliates John Martin (Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering) and Killian Quigley (Graduate Student, English) discuss the upcoming gradSTEP session: Grading Efficiently: Finding the Time to Grade Fairly. Held in January each year, GradSTEP provides several workshops and discussions on teaching,…
Posted by Alex Staneski on January 25, 2013 in Events, Grading, GradSTEP
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