graduate students

“Students as Producers” Course Design Institutes for Faculty and Graduate Students
The CFT invites Vanderbilt faculty and graduate students to apply to its 2019 Course Design Institutes on the theme of “Students as Producers.” During the three institutes in May, participants will design (or redesign) courses that engage students not only as consumers of information, but producers of knowledge. Short videos created to explain computer algorithms….
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on February 6, 2019 in CDI, Course Design, course design institute, Events, graduate students, News, Students as Producers

Teaching 101: Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop
Have you been thrust into an instructional role for which you feel unprepared? Are you a multi-semester teacher who wants a refresher on some of the basics? Regardless of your teaching experience, this workshop will provide practical, concrete guidance on the mechanics of teaching and classroom presence, with an eye towards small tweaks and adjustments…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on February 1, 2019 in authority in the classroom, Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, post docs

Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement: Revising Your Draft Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop
After attending the Creating Your Draft workshop, this Revising Your Draft workshop will allow participants to get feedback on their teaching philosophy statement. This session will include a quick review of best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market, however most of the time will be spent peer reviewing each other’s…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on January 28, 2019 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, post docs, teaching statement

Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement: Creating Your Draft Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop
In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students & Postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. All teaching experience levels are welcome. This workshop is especially helpful for those who do…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on January 15, 2019 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, post docs, teaching statement

Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop: Developing a Written Diversity Statement
In this workshop, we will discuss evidence-based practices for writing a diversity statement for the academic job market. Increasingly, universities and colleges are requesting that faculty job applicants provide a statement addressing how they plan to contribute to inclusive excellence in their professional lives. Sometimes, a job ad will request that applicants address diversity in…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on November 5, 2018 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, Teaching Workshops

Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement Graduate Student/Postdoc Workshop Oct. 4th
In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students & Postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. All teaching experience levels are welcome. Date: Thursday, October 4th Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm Location:…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on October 2, 2018 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, News, teaching statement

Grad and Postdoc Programs at the CFT
Two Center for Teaching programs for graduate students and postdocs are now taking registrations for the fall. Each program consists of a seminar and a practicum, and each lasts two semesters. The first program is the Certificate in College Teaching (CiCT). This program focuses on the research on how people learn as well as…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on August 13, 2018 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, News, post docs

Writing a Diversity Statement Workshop April 12th
The CFT has partnered with The Office of Inclusive Excellence and The Office for Career Development at The Graduate School to provide an introductory workshop on developing a written diversity statement. Increasingly, universities and colleges are requesting that faculty job applicants provide a statement addressing how they plan to contribute to inclusive excellence in their…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on April 4, 2018 in diversity, Events, graduate students, Inclusive Teaching, Teaching Workshops

Crafting an Effective Teaching Statement Workshop for Graduate Students & Postdocs
In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students & Postdocs from across the disciplines who want to improve their teaching portfolio materials. All teaching experience levels are welcome. . . .. Facilitators: Kylie Korsnack & Justin Hubbard,…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on September 20, 2017 in Events, graduate students, teaching statement, Teaching Workshops

Microaggression Teaching Workshop March 16
When teaching, it is almost guaranteed that microaggressions will take place. These seemingly small, ostensibly singular manifestations of oppression can deleteriously effect the teaching-learning environment, our students, and ourselves. As common as microaggressions are, it is equally common that educators are at times unsure of the best way to intervene, particularly in ways that maintain…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on March 8, 2017 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, Inclusive Teaching, microaggressions, News
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