graduate students

Upcoming Graduate Student & Postdoc Teaching Workshop: Crafting Effective Teaching Statements – Wednesday, Sept 23rd, 3:30-5:00pm
Crafting Effective Teaching Statements Facilitator: Dani Picard, Graduate Teaching Fellow, Center for Teaching Date & Time: Wednesday, Sept 23rd, 3:30-5:00pm Location: CFT Classroom, 1114 19th Ave South, 3rd floor In this workshop, we will address best practices for writing a teaching statement/philosophy for the academic job market. This workshop is open to Vanderbilt graduate students…
Posted by tveitts on September 13, 2015 in Events, graduate students, News, Teaching Workshops

Join the CFT’s Learning Community on Community Engagement Pedagogies
The CFT is proud to continue its programming for faculty and graduate students interested in community engagement pedagogies (often called service learning), with a year-long discussion group or learning community. As former Vanderbilt faculty Janet Eyler and Dwight E. Giles once stated, service learning is “a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a…
Posted by traubjg on September 8, 2015 in Community Engagement, Events, Faculty, graduate students, News, Service-Learning

Mark your calendar & spread the word about upcoming August orientations
Teaching at Vanderbilt (TaV), an orientation for junior and senior faculty new to Vanderbilt, will be held from 1p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 20th, 2015, in Buttrick Hall. Those interested in attending should RSVP by August 14th by registering online or by calling the Center for Teaching at (615) 322-7290. Throughout the week following TAV Orientation…
Posted by traubjg on July 16, 2015 in Events, Future Faculty, graduate students, Junior Faculty, News, Orientation, Teaching Assistants

CIRTL Network Development Opportunities
The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL has opened registration for upcoming course opportunities. These are free, online events for grad students and…
Posted by traubjg on February 11, 2015 in CIRTL, Events, graduate students, News, Online Education, STEM

CIRTL Network Development Opportunity
The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL has opened registration for upcoming course opportunities. This is a free, online event for grad students and…
Posted by traubjg on January 23, 2015 in CIRTL, CIRTLCast, Events, graduate students, STEM

CIRTL Network Development Opportunities
The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL has opened registration for upcoming course opportunities. These are free, online events for grad students and post-docs…
Posted by traubjg on January 15, 2015 in CIRTL, CIRTLCast, Events, graduate students, STEM

CIRTL Network Development Opportunities
The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is an NSF Center for Learning and Teaching in higher education. CIRTL has opened registration for upcoming course opportunities. These are free, online events for grad students and post-docs…
Posted by traubjg on January 12, 2015 in CIRTL, CIRTLCast, Events, graduate students, News, STEM

When Words Won’t Suffice
By Ben Galina, Graduate Teaching Fellow Monday, November 3rd at 7:15pm, our learning community will meet at the Center for Teaching to discuss microagressions. For more information, stop by the CFT, check out our website, or email me or my…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on October 29, 2014 in Events, graduate students, graduate teaching fellows, News, Teaching Difference and Power

BOLD Fellows Program is Accepting Applications
We are recruiting graduate students to participate in the BOLD Fellows program beginning in January 2015. The BOLD Fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on October 13, 2014 in bold fellows, Educational Technology, Events, graduate students, STEM, Student Projects

How to (Re)frame Your Teaching for Non-academic Jobs
By Andrew Greer, Graduate Teaching Fellow Attention fellow graduate students: Eventually we will seek employment outside of our programs. If you’re like me, your search is in full force. With the majority of academic applications behind me, I’ve switched my…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on February 12, 2014 in Events, GradSTEP, graduate students, Humanities, News, Professional Development, Resource, Social Sciences, STEM
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