journal club

Spring Journal Club: Investigating Student Learning
In this journal club we will explore different approaches that college instructors can use to investigate how and what our students are learning. We will discuss research articles that illustrate how a range of methods can be used to understand our teaching and our students’ learning, considering benefits and limitations of the methods for answering…
Posted by Carly Byer on December 15, 2020 in DBER, Events, journal club, Resource, SoTL

Journal club: Understanding good practices for fostering undergraduate research
Many faculty consider undergraduate research to be the pinnacle of an undergraduate career, and departments across Vanderbilt provide opportunities for students to pursue a variety of research. As Immersion Vanderbilt matures, this commitment is only likely to grow. How do we foster productive research experiences for our students? What are good practices for helping students…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 7, 2020 in Events, Immersion Vanderbilt, journal club, News, Undergrad Research, undergrads, research

Journal club: Understanding good practices for fostering undergraduate research
Many faculty consider undergraduate research to be the pinnacle of an undergraduate career, and departments across Vanderbilt provide opportunities for students to pursue a variety of research. As Immersion Vanderbilt matures, this commitment is only likely to grow. How do we foster productive research experiences for our students? What are good practices for helping students…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 7, 2020 in Events, Immersion Vanderbilt, journal club, News, Undergrad Research, undergrads, research

Student motivation journal club: Starting the year with a framework to understand motivation
by Cynthia J. Brame, CFT Associate Director Last week, my colleague Heather Fedesco and I convened the first meeting of a new, CFT-sponsored journal club on student motivation. We were excited to see the 15 or so faculty members who were there (and to get emails from others who had to miss it but plan…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on September 12, 2019 in Commentary, Events, journal club, Learning Communities, News, Student Motivation
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