Learning Communities

Queer Teaching, Queer Thriving Learning Community
The Center for Teaching and the K.C. Potter Center for LGBTQI Life are proud to continue our Queer Teaching, Queer Thriving learning community in 2021-2022 with a conversation and workshop hosted by Stephanie Mahnke, Vanderbilt’s new Director of the KCPC and LGBTQI Life. Building upon our Fall conversations about LGBTQI+ well-being and Queer Pedagogy, this…
Posted by shephs2 on March 21, 2022 in Events, Inclusive Teaching, Learning Communities, News, queer pedagogy

Join a CFT Learning Community!
Learning Assistant Instructors Learning assistants, or LAs, are undergraduates who serve as peer educators in courses that they have previously taken. Supported by training in pedagogy, they extend the reach of faculty members implementing active learning components in a course and help provide personalized experiences that increase students’ sense of belonging. In this learning community,…
Posted by Cynthia Brame on February 22, 2022 in Events, hybrid teaching, learning assistant program, Learning Communities, News, online teaching, Resource

Online Teaching Learning Community
Even before the campus-wide move to online and remote teaching last year, the online teaching group was meeting regularly to explore challenges and opportunities. The Course Development Resources site (CDR), which has grown out of the work of this group over the last two years, is a self-paced guide to designing, building, teaching, or maintaining great courses…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on June 21, 2021 in Commentary, Events, Learning Communities, Online Education, online teaching

Learning Community Focusing on the Needs of LGBTQI+ Students
This year, the CFT and the KC Potter Center for LGBTQI Life hosted a learning community on ways faculty can better support the needs of LGBTQI+ students. Over twenty participants met throughout the year to explore LGBTQI+ student’s experiences inside and outside the classroom, to discuss scholarly literature on strategies for inclusion, and techniques of…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on June 18, 2021 in Commentary, Events, Inclusive Teaching, Learning Communities, LGBTQI, News, potter center

Learning Community on Teaching and Race
In 2020-21, the CFT hosted a learning community dedicated to understanding the many challenges and opportunities of teaching issues of race, and supporting students of all racial identities and backgrounds. In five events throughout the year, dozens of participants from across the disciplines engaged in a variety of conversations about the challenges of teaching race…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on June 17, 2021 in Commentary, Events, Learning Communities, News, Race and Racism, Teaching and Race

Updates to CFT Programming
With the campus move to remote teaching, learning, and work, the Center for Teaching has made some changes to its previously planned programming. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows – We are still taking applications for the next year’s cohort of fellows! Applications are due Thursday, April 30th. Details on the JFTF website. Teaching Consultations – We are still available…
Posted by Carly Byer on April 15, 2020 in CDI, Certificate in College Teaching, Consultations, course design institute, Events, jftf, jftf program, Learning Communities, News, one button studio, Teaching Workshops

Student motivation journal club: Starting the year with a framework to understand motivation
by Cynthia J. Brame, CFT Associate Director Last week, my colleague Heather Fedesco and I convened the first meeting of a new, CFT-sponsored journal club on student motivation. We were excited to see the 15 or so faculty members who were there (and to get emails from others who had to miss it but plan…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on September 12, 2019 in Commentary, Events, journal club, Learning Communities, News, Student Motivation

A Conversation on the Future of Digital Literacies
It’s a safe bet that technology will change. And as technology changes, the ways we create and consume information and media will change, as will the ways we connect and communicate with each other. What will digital literacies look like in five or ten years? And what does the answer to that question mean for…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on April 9, 2019 in digital literacies, Events, Learning Communities

Upcoming Science Teaching Lunch on November 16th
The Science Teaching Lunch series invites faculty from A&S science departments to discuss common teaching challenges and to seek ideas and solutions from colleagues and the literature on science teaching and learning. This fall, the series will focus on questions relevant to graduate student education. The November teaching lunch will focus on using mentoring agreements…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on November 13, 2018 in Events, Learning Communities, science teaching

Upcoming Science Teaching Lunch on November 16th
The Science Teaching Lunch series invites faculty from A&S science departments to discuss common teaching challenges and to seek ideas and solutions from colleagues and the literature on science teaching and learning. This fall, the series will focus on questions relevant to graduate student education. The November teaching lunch will focus on using mentoring agreements…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on November 13, 2018 in Events, Learning Communities, science teaching
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