one button studio

Updates to CFT Programming
With the campus move to remote teaching, learning, and work, the Center for Teaching has made some changes to its previously planned programming. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows – We are still taking applications for the next year’s cohort of fellows! Applications are due Thursday, April 30th. Details on the JFTF website. Teaching Consultations – We are still available…
Posted by Carly Byer on April 15, 2020 in CDI, Certificate in College Teaching, Consultations, course design institute, Events, jftf, jftf program, Learning Communities, News, one button studio, Teaching Workshops

From The Director: Two new offerings from the CFT!
I’m excited to announce two new offerings from the Center for Teaching! The CFT is the new home for the University Courses program, launched in 2016 by the Provost’s Office to encourage and support “cross-college” teaching as part of the Academic Strategic Plan. I’ve been impressed with the vibrant partnerships the program has fostered, as…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on November 12, 2019 in CFT Programs, CFT Services, Events, From the Director, News, one button studio
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