online teaching

Online and Hybrid Teaching Working Group
by Stacey M. Johnson In this series of three meetings via Zoom, our group will explore experiential teaching online through the lens of telecollaboration, online community engagement, and online course design. Join us for one, two or all three of these conversations in which we will explore resources and challenges associated with experiential online and…
Posted by Stacey Johnson on March 17, 2022 in Course Design, Events, online teaching, Resource, working groups

Join a CFT Learning Community!
Learning Assistant Instructors Learning assistants, or LAs, are undergraduates who serve as peer educators in courses that they have previously taken. Supported by training in pedagogy, they extend the reach of faculty members implementing active learning components in a course and help provide personalized experiences that increase students’ sense of belonging. In this learning community,…
Posted by Cynthia Brame on February 22, 2022 in Events, hybrid teaching, learning assistant program, Learning Communities, News, online teaching, Resource

Online Teaching Learning Community
Even before the campus-wide move to online and remote teaching last year, the online teaching group was meeting regularly to explore challenges and opportunities. The Course Development Resources site (CDR), which has grown out of the work of this group over the last two years, is a self-paced guide to designing, building, teaching, or maintaining great courses…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on June 21, 2021 in Commentary, Events, Learning Communities, Online Education, online teaching

CFT Concludes Latest Online Course Design Institute
To help faculty prepare for teaching this Summer, we offered an Online Course Design Institute (OCDI). The institute was a revised and updated version of the institute that the Center for Teaching offered in summer 2020 to more than 500 participants. Participants worked in three cohorts led by CFT Senior Staff Members Cynthia Brame, Julaine…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on June 16, 2021 in Commentary, Events, News, ocdi, online course design institute, online courses, Online Education, online teaching

Active Learning Online: Five Key Principles with Stephen M. Kosslyn
Active learning leads to substantially better learning than occurs with traditional lecturing. This workshop will review the nature of active learning and explain why it is so effective. The workshop will focus on five fundamental principles drawn from the science of learning; these principles range from Deep Processing (the more mental effort one expends when…
Posted by Carly Byer on March 22, 2021 in Active Learning, Events, online teaching, Teaching Workshops

Wish You Could Have Attended One of Our January Events?
Last month, the CFT hosted workshops and conversions on a wide variety of teaching topics. If you weren’t able to attend, you don’t have to miss out! We have recordings of many of our past events available on our website. Topics include: Synchronous Sessions in Online Courses Hybrid courses: Approaches to engage your virtual and F2F…
Posted by Carly Byer on February 3, 2021 in Events, hybrid teaching, online teaching, Resource, Teaching Workshops

Upcoming Workshop: An Introduction to Online and Hybrid Teaching
Are you looking for ideas for how to engage your students this spring? This workshop will provide a structured introduction to teaching in online and hybrid settings. Participants will learn principles and practices for supporting student learning asynchronously (via Brightspace and other tools) and synchronously (via Zoom). This workshop will be particularly useful to Vanderbilt…
Posted by Carly Byer on January 11, 2021 in Events, hybrid teaching, online teaching, Teaching Workshops

Register for our Latest Online Course Design Institute!
This structured professional development opportunity for Vanderbilt faculty, grad students, and other instructors will explore effective practices in online education and help instructors plan their upcoming online courses. For those who weren’t able to take the intensive version of the OCDI in the summer, there is still time to join this fully online, five week…
Posted by Carly Byer on October 7, 2020 in Events, ocdi, online course design institute, online teaching

Upcoming Conversations on Teaching
These sessions provide members of the Vanderbilt teaching community a chance to share their teaching experiences and learn from each other in an informal, discussion-based format. Leading Synchronous Online Discussions This semester, many of you may have tried your hand at leading synchronous online discussions for the first time, most likely via Zoom. You may…
Posted by Carly Byer on October 5, 2020 in Conversations on Teaching, Events, hybrid teaching, online teaching

Brightspace and Teaching Focused Workshops for the Fall
We have several Brightspace and online teaching focused workshops lined up for September. Offerings include: Grades and Feedback in Brightspace Participants in this workshop will learn how to organize their gradebook and about the range of tools available in Brightspace to make grading and feedback more efficient and effective. September 2, 12:00-1:30pm. REGISTER Assignments in…
Posted by Carly Byer on September 2, 2020 in brightspace, Events, Grading, online teaching, Resource
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