open classroom

Vanderbilt Instructors Open Their Classroom Doors September 9-13
Would you like to watch one of your colleagues teach to see how they manage the classroom, engage students, or address challenging subjects? Do you ever feel like you toil in private to learn how to teach? You’re not alone. Too often in higher education we instructors do not have the opportunity to watch and…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on September 9, 2019 in Events, open classroom, Teaching Visits

Vanderbilt Instructors Open Their Classroom Doors on September 24, 25, and 26
Would you like to watch one of your colleagues teach to see how they manage the classroom, engage students, or address challenging subjects? Do you ever feel like you toil in private to learn how to teach? You’re not alone. Too often in higher education we instructors do not have the opportunity to watch and…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 18, 2018 in Events, open classroom

Save the date! The Open Classroom will be September 24-26
Vanderbilt Instructors Open Their Classroom Doors on September 24, 25 and 26 Would you like to watch one of your colleagues teach to see how they manage the classroom, engage students, or address challenging subjects? Do you ever feel like you toil in private to learn how to teach? You’re not alone. Too often in…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on August 20, 2018 in Events, News, open classroom, Teaching Visit

Thank You Open Classroom Hosts!
On September 5th and 6th the Center for Teaching hosted our program, The Open Classroom: Two Days of Teaching Visits, for the second year. The event featured 50 different hosts who graciously and bravely opened their classrooms to a total of over 75 visitors. This gave the visitors the valuable opportunity to observe high quality…
Posted by resob20 on October 15, 2017 in Events, News, open classroom, open dores, Teaching Visit
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