College Teaching: A Panel for Future STEM Faculty – October 14th
As part of their PhD Career Connections series, Vanderbilt’s Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office is hosting a panel on college teaching for PhD students in the sciences. The panel is scheduled for 9-10am on Tuesday, October 14th, and…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 22, 2014 in Campus Partners, Events, Future Faculty, STEM

Students as Producers: Animating Organic Chemistry
By Nayana Bose, CFT Graduate Teaching Fellow The CFT’s “Students as Producers” theme year culminated in our end-of-year event, the Celebration of Learning. As a part of the celebration, an exhibition of 25 student projects from all four undergraduate…
Posted by nayana.bose on June 16, 2014 in Celebration of Learning, Events, News, STEM, Student Projects, Students as Producers

A Career Symposium on May 30th: Where Can You Go With a Science PhD?
The Biomedical Research Education & Training (BRET) Office of Career Development and the Vanderbilt Medical Alumni Association are sponsoring a career symposium on May 30th for graduate students and post-docs in the sciences. From the press release: Think you know…
Posted by Derek Bruff on May 13, 2014 in Events, Future Faculty, STEM

Forman Lecture on Physics Education: Learning Physics through Technology
The Department of Physics & Astronomy’s annual Forman Lecture on physics education will feature Wilton Virgo from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The talk, scheduled for Thursday, April 11, at 3 p.m. in Stevenson Center 4327, is titled “Six Easy…
Posted by Derek Bruff on April 8, 2014 in Educational Technology, Events, STEM

How to (Re)frame Your Teaching for Non-academic Jobs
By Andrew Greer, Graduate Teaching Fellow Attention fellow graduate students: Eventually we will seek employment outside of our programs. If you’re like me, your search is in full force. With the majority of academic applications behind me, I’ve switched my…
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on February 12, 2014 in Events, GradSTEP, graduate students, Humanities, News, Professional Development, Resource, Social Sciences, STEM

Eric Mazur on the Flipped Classroom and Peer Instruction, April 4th
by Derek Bruff, CFT Director If you’re interested in improving student learning in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields or in large classes of any discipline, you won’t want to miss Harvard physics professor Eric Mazur’s talk in Light…
Posted by Derek Bruff on March 14, 2013 in Clickers, Events, Flipped Classroom, Large Classes, STEM

CIRTL Online Coffee Hour Series: Building an Academic Career
Alternative academic career (alt-ac) opportunities appear to be increasing in both number and prominence. What are these positions, and how can you pursue them? How can your teaching or research experience be an asset in these positions? What are the…
Posted by Alex Staneski on January 17, 2013 in Career, CIRTL, Events, News, STEM

CIRTL Online Coffee Hour: Teaching at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution, 9/27 at 1pm
See below for this week’s offering from the CIRTL Network’s online coffee house series on building academic careers in science, engineering, and mathematics. This week’s coffee house features two Vanderbilt alumnae, Tara Davis (Mathematics) and Heather Whitney (Physics). Teaching at…
Posted by Derek Bruff on September 24, 2012 in CIRTL, Events, Future Faculty, STEM
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