Graduate School Career Development

Developing your web presence

Developing your web presence Graduate School Career Development – Setting up your my.vanderbilt.edu webpage Graduate School Career Development – Do You Have Presence? Maximizing Social Media During Your Employment Search Presented by Dr. Dayle Savage, Assistant Professor of the Practice in Leadership and Organizational Studies

Posted by on October 10, 2014 in , , ,

Non-Academic Job Search

Non-Academic Job Search: Graduate School Career Development Assistant Dean Ruth Schemmer provides career advising by appointment. Appointment options include: – Hour-long appointments available on Wednesday (email Ruth.Schemmer@vanderbilt.edu for appointment time) – Walk-in appointments (15 min) are available Thursday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 PM Graduate School Career Development – Non-Academic Careers Resources for applying to and finding careers…

Posted by on July 18, 2013 in , , , , , ,

Using and building your professional network

Using and building your professional network Graduate School Career Development – Networking and Resources Networking is the “literature review” of your career search; instead of collecting references to journal articles, you’ll collect contacts, career stories, and advice. It forms the necessary foundation you must lay before you can build a meaningful career. The Graduate School –…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , , , , , ,

Nashville 2

Academic Job Search

Academic Job Search Graduate School Career Development Assistant Dean Ruth Schemmer provides career advising by appointment. Appointment options include: – Hour-long appointments available on Wednesday (email Ruth.Schemmer@vanderbilt.edu for appointment time) – Walk-in appointments (15 min) are available Thursday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 PM Graduate School Career Development – Applying for Tenure-Track Positions Timeline and resources for the…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , , , , , ,

CV Development

CV Development Graduate School Career Development – Creating a Resume Examples and resources for creating a resume for those with advanced degrees. Graduate School Career Development – Preparing Your CV Guides and examples for writing your CV. PCS – Brand/Resume Resources include resume development and interviewing skills websites and Optimal Resume website. Writing Studio – Job…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , , ,

Expectations for professional attire and behavior

Expectations for professional attire and behavior Graduate School Career Development – Attire for job search: When showing up for an interview, first day of the internship or job, it’s hard to be overdressed. Peabody Career Services – Brand/Professional Attire: The workplace you are entering has its own culture. Most likely this has built up over…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , ,

Interviewing and negotiating

Interviewing and negotiating Peabody Office of Professional and Graduate Education (POPGE) – Interviewing with the Deans for Your Academic Position This workshop is held every fall and invites the Deans to share their perspectives on the academic job search process and how to excel in your interviewing. Below are video links from when the workshop was…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , , ,

Preparing materials for applications

Preparing materials for applications (cover letter, teaching statement, research statement, recommendations) Graduate School Career Development – Career Development Services for Graduate School Students Graduate student resources for all career paths including examples of resumés, C.V.’s, cover letters. Contact Ruth.Schemmer@vanderbilt.edu for consultation on career development. Graduate School Career Development – Workshop on Academic Job Search Application and…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , , , , , , , ,