social media

Physics Forman lecture: YouTube’s ‘Physics Girl’ discusses using videos in science outreach Feb. 28

Dianna Cowern, from YouTube’s The Physics Girl, will be featured at a talk on Thursday, Feb. 28, in the Stevenson Center, Room 4309. The event will begin at 4 p.m. and is open to the Vanderbilt community. It is the Department of Physics and Astronomy’s 2019 Guy and Rebecca Forman Lecture in Science Education. YouTube was originally conceived…

Posted by on February 19, 2019 in Events, News, Online Education, STEM, STEM teaching, Thinking STEM Teaching STEM, Visual Thinking,

Developing your web presence

Developing your web presence Graduate School Career Development – Setting up your my.vanderbilt.edu webpage Graduate School Career Development – Do You Have Presence? Maximizing Social Media During Your Employment Search Presented by Dr. Dayle Savage, Assistant Professor of the Practice in Leadership and Organizational Studies

Posted by on October 10, 2014 in , , ,

Using and building your professional network

Using and building your professional network Graduate School Career Development – Networking and Resources Networking is the “literature review” of your career search; instead of collecting references to journal articles, you’ll collect contacts, career stories, and advice. It forms the necessary foundation you must lay before you can build a meaningful career. The Graduate School –…

Posted by on October 9, 2012 in , , , , , , , ,