Legacy CDS Asset Catalog

Edited on 2018-08-27

Project Summary

Over the past two decades, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) engineered a vast array of knowledge assets driving and supporting quality patient care, and reducing costs through clinical decision support (CDS).1 These knowledge assets are critical for effective CDS, and VUMC’s past transition from a home-grown electronic health record system (EHR) to a commercial EHR provided unique challenges and opportunities to extract, understand, catalog, evaluate, and transfer decades of CDS knowledge assets.

Much of VUMC’s legacy CDS knowledge assets (KA) were created to deliver knowledge-based CDS for a single dedicated system. Consequently, their respective system defines how their content is encoded, stored, and utilized. Such compartmentalization of KAs led to a set of problems, including

  1. complicated searching of KAs across systems
  2. problems retrieving KAs based on basic metadata in a consistent manner (e.g. owners, review dates, clinical venue, asset dependencies, etc.)
  3. duplicative logic and challenges associated with keeping all updates synchronized
  4. managing obscured dependencies across KAs with updates to components.

As part of the knowledge transfer process, we created an iterative approach to support EHR to EHR CDS knowledge migration and on-going enterprise-wide maintenance.

Implementing a KM solution


To support an EHR to EHR CDS content migration and ongoing KM efforts, we integrated a vendor solution for KM as part of a custom built tool chain (COMET). Relying on this infrastructure, as part of Phase 1, we cataloged approximately 20,000 KAs, including orderables, order sets, protocols, event-condition-action rules, and many supporting assets. We are currently in Phase 2 and are working on implementing Phase 3.


  • Domain analysis, documentation
  • Solution architecture design
  • Domain model development
  • Domain modeling tool configuration and user education
  • Model translator (ETL) requirement specification
  • Implementation of reports and visualizations to support content analysis
  • Contributed to UX (user experience) design


Mathe, J.L.; Nelson, S.; Just, S.; Nadas, A.; Lehmann, C.; Ozdas Weitkamp, A. An iterative clinical knowledge management framework for transferring clinical decision support knowledge content to a commercial EHR, in: AMIA IHealth 2017 Clinical Informatics Conference. Presented at the AMIA iHealth, Philadelphia, PA 2017.

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Contact Information

e | janos.l.mathe@vumc.org
p | +1 (615) 875-8778
a | Rm 515B, Ste 500, Bld 3401WE