9/16/14 National States Geographic Information Council Annual Meeting
In September, Anthony Davis, a Ph.D. student at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, and a Syriaca.org research assistant, introduced Syriaca.org to state Geographic Information Officers from around the country in his presentation, “Geographic Texts: Using Machine Reading to Markup Geographic References in Texts” at the National States Geographic Information Council 2014 Annual Conference in…
Posted by David Michelson on September 19, 2014 in Conference, eXist-DB, public presentations, Syriac Gazetteer, TEI XML
6/9-6/20/2014 Syriaca.org Developers Participate in the NEH Xquery Summer Institute
Syriaca.org is excited to be one of the projects featured as a sample project at http://xqueryinstitute.org/. Senior programmer Winona Salesky and general editor David Michelson are both serving as institute faculty. Syriaca.org is built using the XQue…
Posted by David Michelson on June 18, 2014 in Digital Humanities, eXist-DB, grants & awards, TEI XML
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