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Cross Talks



Teacher cross talks are collaborative planning discussions which offer teachers opportunities to address various student challenges and collaborate to create strategies for student and teacher success.


  • Students presenting challenges are acknowledged and their progress discussed by teachers or other relevant adults on campus who spend time with them.
  • Teachers are given the opportunity during Educator Team meetings and other collaborative times to create plans to implement strategies to improve the overall performance of the students(s) in question.
  • Intentional strategic discussions surrounding a collaborative approach to student success acknowledges a holistic view of the student, recognizing that academic data is not sufficient as a standalone tool for assessing student and adult success.


The amount of time allotted for teacher cross talks varies with the teachers involved and the students in question. Teachers should arrive prepared to discuss student challenges and potential strategies to ensure future success.

Preparation prior to the meeting can include:

  • generating and bringing D&F Lists
  • attendance reports
  • other aggregated data sources that will demonstrate the needs of the student to be discussed.

Cross talks taking place during Educator Team meetings, Professional Learning Communities, or Professional Development days provides 30-60 minutes for collaboration, though more time may be required to discuss multiple students.


Organizing student data and discussing it in a solution-oriented manner assists in organizational learning, while also helping to target specific goals for the student and the education environment. Such planning assists in informing future academic, socioemotional, and behavioral activities to further enrich the student’s educational experiences. Administrators and teachers may draw upon student data presented from various sources not limited to teacher observations, D&F lists, attendance data, and interim reports. Schools may also craft their own systems for Data Aggregation to further assist in identifying students in need of additional support.

Connection to other components

Teacher Cross Talks exhibit a commitment to an Intentional Use of Data, while also providing strategies that can inform Rapid Check-Ins and Goal Setting exercises.


  • PASL Cross Talk Chat Plan (doc)
  • D&F Lists (provided by participants)
  • Interim Reports (provided by participants)
  • Attendance Reports (provided by participants)
  • Prepared Data Aggregator Reports (provided by participants)
  • Disciplinary Reports (provided by participants)