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Module 3, Principle 1: Identify Needs

School-wide, grade-level, and individual teacher professional development needs can be determined through a variety of sources. This module focuses on using teacher effectiveness data to inform teacher support and professional development needs. Effective principals use student performance and teacher effectiveness data to determine how widespread a need is, whether at the school, grade, subject area, or individual level. They also establish teacher support and professional development priorities by aligning the identified needs with the school’s goals.

Quick Reads

Read the following article:

Rubin, M et al. (2014). Not Just A “Gotcha”: Professional Development and Teacher Effectiveness Data.

Reflection Activity

Complete the first column of the Strategic Support and Professional Development Reflection. Save the document for future reference.

You will add to this document as part of your work with Principles 2-4.

Continue to Module 3, Principle 2