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Authorial Intentions

Posted by on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 in Feature.

By Chris Benda, Theological Librarian
Authorial Intentions, the Divinity and Graduate Department of Religion faculty interview podcast, turns 5 this year. Thanks to faculty participation, we have 25 podcasts archived.

The podcasts give faculty an opportunity to talk about recent publications – typically, a book. This past November, however, Dave Michelson discussed the digital humanities project,, the Syriac reference portal. The audience includes those who may not know about these publications, as well as Divinity and GDR faculty who wish to keep up-to-date with their colleagues’ scholarship.

The questions I ask come out of a reading of the publications —sometimes more than one reading! That’s why there isn’t a new interview every week. (I’m also a slow reader.) I’m looking forward to three new interviews over the next several months, and I invite Divinity and GDR faculty with a recent or forthcoming publication to schedule an interview. After all, a conversation is only interesting if more than one person is involved!


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