Discussions of William Franke’s Work

Books by Others about William Franke’s Books General Review Essays

Contemporary Debates in Negative Theology and Philosophy, eds. Nahum Brown and J. Aaron Simmons (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017) (xi + 464 pages), Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion Series  (includes responses by William Franke to each of fourteen essays)

contemporary debates in negative theology







Syndicate Theology, vol. 3, issue 2, March/April (2016) “William Franke, A Philosophy of the Unsayable, pp. 101-148

(online and print versions available)


Syndicate Theology Forum on A Philosophy of the Unsayable by William Franke

Kendall Cox

Symposium Introduction

Symposium Panelists

Sai Bhatawadekar Sai Bhatawadekar
W.C. Hackett W.C. Hackett
Kevin Hart Kevin Hart
J. Aaron Simmons J. Aaron Simmons
Stephen Palmquist Stephen Palmquist



General Review Essays:

Steven Knepper, “Literary Revelations: On William Franke and the Bible, Voegelin Review August 24, 2024

William C. Hackett “Fitting a Candle for its Flame: William Franke’s Literary Theologico-Philosophy,” Religion and Literature 48/2 (Summer 2016): 197-209

J. Aaron Simmons, “DiAagnosing Predicaments and Attending to Futures: Responding to William Franke’s Account of the “Predicament of Philosophy of Religion Today”

Sabine Lenore Müller, “Apophasis as a Means of Expressing Ecological Indeterminacy: Reading Modernist Poetry with William Franke’s A Philosophy of the Unsayable,” Contemporary Debates in Negative Theology and Philosophy, pp 295-320

Critique of “William Franke’s Transcendent Apophaticism” by Roger T. Ames, “Getting Past Transcendence,” in Transcendence, Immanence, and Intercultural Philosophy, eds. Nahum Brown and William Franke (New York: Palgrave, 2016), pp. 5-33