Video-taped Lectures

Posted by on Sunday, August 26, 2018 in News.


Videorecording of Lecture: “Come rifondare l’etica e la politica dopo la rivoluzione woke”?  Collegio Cairoli, University of Pavia, May 2, 2024


Videorecorded Lecture on Paradiso 33, Intro Ronald Herzman + Q&A with Dante Scholars, March 2024, Paradiso Project: “Gates of Heaven,” Santa Cruz, CA

Videorecorded lecture on Paradiso 33, March 22, 2024 for Paradiso Project (alternative version)

Paradiso Project Santa Cruz webpage pdf

Paradiso Project Santa Cruz webpage png


Videorecording of Lecture on Wokeism, Collège de Bernardins, Paris, December 15, 2023: “ Kénose et wokisme : une alternative à l’instrumentalisation de la justice sociale”[“Kenosis and the Woke: An Alternative to Weaponizing Social Justice”]

Videorecording of Boston College Vita Nuova lecture: “Dante’s New Life, or How Phenomenological Reduction Enables Theological Revelation”


“Taking Letters Literally and Figuring the Unsayable: Plato’s Apophatic Legacy”, GUEST LECTURE for 7th Platonic Summer Seminar: ἄγραφα δόγματα, Platonic Academy, IPS, International Plato Society, Lanckorona (Krakow), Poland, June 25-July 2, 2023

Franke Lecture, “Pandemics and Apocalypse in World Literature,” KEYNOTE SPEECH for Symposium on “Processing the Pandemic III: Hope: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emotions in the Wake of COVID19, Center for Renaissance Studies, University of Warwick (cosponsored by Center for Renaissance Studies and the D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies at the Newberry Library), Warwick, England, April 13-14, 2023


“Dante’s New Life for Poetic Language as Theological Revelation in a Modern Secular Key,” Inaugural Lecture for Annual Dante Lecture Series, Vanderbilt University, November 29, 2022, Nashville, Tennessee 


RSA Renaissance Society of America, December 2, 2022: “Revolution in Poetic Language: Dante’s Use of the Vernacular as Vehicle for Theological Revelation” Video Recording


“Self-Reflection and Reduction in the Language of Lyric,” Reduction Lecture Series, ICI (Institute for Cultural Inquiry) Berlin, May 16, 2022

Zoom Lectures 2020-21

*“Dante and East Asia: The Apophatic Connection,” PLENARY ADDRESS for Symposium: “Afterlives: Dante in Dialogue with East Asian Buddhism,” UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS), November 13, 2021

link to video-taped session, Franke lecture approximately 1:30 – 2:15


“Transcendence, Immanence, and Transdescendence in Modern Art from Dante to Mallarmé,” JIS (Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies) International Symposium: “The Arts & Transcendence: In Search of Beauty, Truth & Goodness,”  Pasadena, California, October 17, 2021 (remote)


Vita nuova: The New Life for Poetic Language as Theological Revelation in a Modern Secular Key,” International Conference “La modernità di Dante,”  Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, October 15, 2021

Franke lecture approximately 1:00 – 1:35

“Dante’s Relevance to and Impact on Postmodern Thought”, Colloque International: “La mondialisation de Dante”, Société française de littérature générale et comparée, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, October 7-8, 2021

Franke lecture during minutes 49:00 – 1:24

intervention 22:00 – 25:00


*“Self-reflection and the Other in Dante’s Paradiso” FEATURED SPEAKER for the Dante Salon at 2021 Psychology and the Other Conference, Boston College, September 17, 2021

Dante Salon at Psych and Other 2021 Call for Proposals - flyer_page-0001

















link to video-taped session  Franke lecture starts at 36:30


Videotaped talk – Apophatic Thinking and its Applications: Between Explosion and Exhaustion, MTN (Mystical Theology Network) + Association for Continental Philosophy of Religion Conference, “Thinking about Nothing,” Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK, July 14, 2021


Video in Italian on Dante’s Paradiso and the Theological Origins of Modern Thought: Conversation with Francesco Giusti

Lirica_Teoria---Seminario-Online-_07_06_2021_ (1)_Page_1


Video of 20 conference minute presentation on why the vernacular is necessary to theological revelation in Dante – Paradiso 18. from Conference on: El diálogo de las lenguas: la emergencia del pensamiento en vernáculo (siglos XIII-XVI), Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, May 26, 2021


“Much Virtue in Vagueness: Premonition of the Eternal and Encountering the Other” Keynote Speech for Literary Workshop on: “Obsession with Eternity and Challenges of the Other,” Departments of Arabic and English, College of Arts, University of Anbar, Iraq May 11, 2020 (online)

Lecture starts 9:00 – 48:00


University of Poitiers, France (2019)


Taiwan, National Chi Nan University (2018)


Chicago, Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies (2018)

Beijing, China, World Congress of Philosophy (2018)

Brisbane, Australia, St. Francis Theological College of Charles Sturt University (2018)

University of York, England (2018)

Glasgow University, Scotland (2016)

University of Navarre, Spain (2018)


Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany (2017)

Oxford University, England (2017)

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 10.13.16 AM

Audio Recording of Oxford Poetic Prophecy Lecture, Part 1

Audio Recording of Oxford Poetic Prophecy Lecture, Part 2
Audio Recording of Oxford Poetic Prophecy Lecture, Part 3 (Questions & Answers)

Beijing, China, Capital University (2016)

Colombo, Sri Lanka (2014)

Athens, Greece, World Congress of Philosophy (2013)

University of Macao, Greater China (2014)

University of Macao, Greater China (2015)

Chicago (2017)




In German (auf Deutsch):

Berlin Lecture, Freie Universität, Negation und Wissen (April 4, 2019)



In French (en français) :

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