
Florence, Italy, May-June, 2024

i tatti profile

Posted by on August 1, 2024 in News

London 2024, Dante Salon

Link to videorecording of roundtable discussion          

Posted by on March 20, 2024 in News

Boston 2023

FINAL Schedule to Salonistas for Fall 2023 FINAL Schedule to Salonistas for Fall  Videorecording of Boston Vita Nuova lecture: “Dante’s New Life, or How Phenomenological Reduction Enables Theological Revelation  William Franke, “Dante’s New Life, or How Phenomenological Reduction Enables Theological Revelation” This lecture presents Dante’s youthful work the Vita Nuova (The New Life) as the inaugural…

Posted by on September 27, 2023 in News

Warwick – Processing the Pandemic

Processing the Pandemic III: Hope ( Franke Lecture, “Pandemics and Apocalypse in World Literature”                      KEYNOTE SPEECH for Symposium on “Processing the Pandemic III: Hope”  Franke Lecture, “Pandemics and Apocalypse in World Literature,” University of Warwick, April, 2023 KEYNOTE SPEECH for Symposium on “Processing the…

Posted by on March 22, 2023 in News


Kuwait, Wokeism

  About Kuwait – Oilpunk Kuwait  Thorsten Botz-Bornstein Conference site Wokeness Resources       William Franke Apophatic Ethics as an Alternative to Identity Politics or How to Avoid Wokeism William Franke                            Nancy Pelosi kneeling to honor George Floyd in 2020 Generic social identities, by their differential…

Posted by on February 2, 2023 in News

Modernità di Dante – Madrid

“La nuova vita per il linguaggio poetico come rivelazione teologica in una chiave moderna e secolare secondo Dante,” [The New Life for Poetic Language as Theological Revelation in a Modern Secular Key” International Conference “La modernità di Dante], Complutense University of Madrid, October 16, 2021 Videorecording PRESENTACIÓN Retrato alegórico de Dante (1533-34) por Agnolo Bronzino    …

Posted by on October 30, 2021 in News

Liverpool Thinking about Nothing

Videotaped lecture – Apophatic Thinking and its Applications: Between Explosion and Exhaustion Thinking About Nothing 2021 – POSTER (002) Thinking About Nothing 2021 – Conference Program Thinking About Nothing 2021 – Conference Program  

Posted by on July 10, 2021 in News


“Religion, Culture, and Art: Their Common Matrix” KEYNOTE SPEECH for ICRCA International Conference on Religion, Culture, and Art, MIGCCA (Modern International Green Culture Communication Association) (Co-Organizers: University of Zagreb, Yun Tech, University of Glasgow)Xi’an, Xianxi, China, September 21-22, 2019 Keynote Speakers   Alean Al-Krenawi, Ph.D. Professor Chair of the BSW Program  Spitzer Department of Social…

Posted by on August 4, 2019 in News

Chinese University of Hong Kong Lecture

Posted by on April 29, 2019 in News

CUEB Beijing Keynote

“Universality of Knowledge and Specialization at the University: A Path from France to China,” KEYNOTE SPEECH for International Academic Conference to Inaugurate the School of Foreign Studies, Beijing Capitol University of Business and Economics (CUEB), Beijing, May 26, 2016

Posted by on April 21, 2019 in News

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