Nikon SoRa
The SoRa spinning disk confocal microscope within the CISR/Nikon Center of Excellence is capable of both conventional spinning disk confocal imaging as well as SoRa super resolution imaging. The SoRa instrument is outfitted with an array of high-end tools to enable multi-dimensional high-speed acquisition of live cells for extended periods of time. The system incorporates a Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disk head, Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion BT camera, high-speed piezo [z] stage, live cell incubator, automated and encoded X/Y stage, a four-line high-power solid-state laser launch, and a full complement of objectives for a variety of refractive indices.
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion BT
Imaging Modes
- Spinning Disk Confocal (Yokogawa CSU-W1)
- Super Resolution by Optical Pixel Reassignment (SoRa)
- Live cell incubation
- High-speed time lapse
- High-speed multi-plane (Z-stack)
- Multi-position (x/y)
- Tiling
Excitation Specs
- 405nm 100mW
- 488nm, 100mW
- 561nm 100mW
- 640nm 75mW
Emission Specs
Objective Lenses
- Plan Apochromat Lambda D 10x Objective Lens, N.A. 0.45, W.D. 4.0mm, DIC
- Plan Apochromat Lambda D 20x Objective Lens, N.A. 0.80, W.D. 0.80mm, DIC
- Plan Apochromat Lambda D 60x Oil Immersion Objective Lens, N.A. 1.42, W.D. 0.15mm, DIC
- Plan Apochromat Lambda D 100x Oil Immersion Objective Lens, N.A. 1.45, W.D. 0.13mm, DIC
- Plan Apochromat Lambda S 40xC Silicone Oil Immersion Objective Lens, NA 1.25, W.D. 0.30mm, DIC
- Plan Apochromat Lambda S 100x Silicone Immersion Objective Lens, N.A. 1.35, W.D. 0.3mm, DIC
Charges: $33.75 per hour
Note: To use the microscope you must have an active Account with iLab. Contact Kari to discuss training.
- T-2216 MCN