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‘Digital Cultural Heritage’

@LeBarondeVastey and Tweeting Black Atlantic Humanism, A Conversation with Marlene L. Daut

Jan. 21, 2019—For those on academic Twitter, the platform has become a fruitful place to hash out new research ideas, communicate with colleagues, and share new work in our respective fields. For scholars of Haiti, there have been running threads and conversations over the years like the #Haitisyllabus (which mirrored pioneering Twitter syllabi like the #FergusonSyllabus and...

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Aphids and Digital Archives: Thinking Through Digital Preservation with Dionne Brand’s The Blue Clerk 

Oct. 13, 2018—“In the mornings the clerk reads the obituaries. All of these bales may be considered obituaries of a sort but we are talking about the regular obituaries where people actually die. Here on the dock nothing and no one dies. The clerk would like them to die the finite closed death of a real obituary...

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Welcome to Digital Cultural Heritage at Vanderbilt!

Sep. 14, 2018—The DCH research cluster began as a faculty-led initiative by campus scholars from various disciplines and departments working on questions of digital archiving, curation, mapping, preservation, virtual reality, and more. Now that the cluster has been generously funded as part of the Vanderbilt Trans-Institutional Programs initiative (TiPs), we are looking forward to training graduate and undergraduate...

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