Category Archives: News

21st Century Dickens

Our recent conversations about our final projects and current social problems has me thinking about what Dickens would say of the 21st century, both of the continuation of the problems he attempted to tackle, and the new ones that he … Continue reading

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Popularity vs. High Quality

Maybe it’s because I’m taking this course and therefore extra vigilant about hearing his name, but another TV show I watch had a Dickens reference! This is the conversation that took place in Season 2, Episode 5 of FXX’s You’re … Continue reading

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Marketing in Context

Over Thanksgiving break, I went shopping on Black Friday, though only for a couple of hours, in a smaller city. There was no rush, but there was lots of advertising, and lots of sales. I ended up at Ulta, the … Continue reading

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True to His Calling

In class, we discussed Dickens’s performances of his own works, specifically his performance of Nancy’s murder scene in Oliver Twist. An article from the British Library website entitled “Dickens the Performer” gave me more insight into Dickens as a theatrical … Continue reading

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Narrative/Advertising Relationship

To my surprise, while watching a recent episode of Jane the Virgin, there was an Oliver Twist reference! The protagonist of the series, Jane, is deciding whether or not her son should have access to a trust fund. As she … Continue reading

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South Park criticizes Ads

South Park is my favorite show on TV and has been for some time. While some of the content is vulgar and inappropriate I think the creators of the show, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, are two of the best … Continue reading

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Harry Potter Fan Theories

In class we talked about the various endings to The Mystery of Edwin Drood that critics and fans have come up with and attempted to prove. However, as we all agreed, some of these theories were simply not supported by the … Continue reading

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Chestnuts Roasting…Only $20 a Bag!

It’s amazing how Charles Dickens has become like Old Saint Nick himself, the father of Christmas. The name Dickens for wider audiences is less associated with some great work like A Tale of Two Cities and more intimately associated with … Continue reading

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Black Friday

Yesterday was one of the biggest shopping days of the year, with people lining up outside stores hours before they open in order to get the “best” deals. As someone who can only handle shopping in small doses, why people … Continue reading

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Star Wars Advertising

In class we have discussed how advertising can be focused towards men or women. For example, with A Christmas Carol, the advertising within the story seemed directed at families. In conversations about contemporary advertising, it is impossible to ignore the … Continue reading

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