
Podcasting Essentials: What you need to know to launch your own podcast
by Rhett McDaniel Have you ever listened to a podcast and been inspired to make one of your own? You can! Producing academic podcasts around your course topics is a great way to help your students learn. In addition, your podcast would be accessible to the nearly 118 million podcast listeners all over the world….
Posted by Rhett McDaniel on March 4, 2022 in Digital Commons, digital media, Events, News, Podcasting, Resource, workshop

Excellence in (Student) Podcasting Submissions Now Open
The Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities is sponsoring the second annual Excellence in Podcasting Competition, in collaboration with the Office of Immersion Resources and the Center for Teaching. We had really fantastic student submissions last year, and you can listen to the winning submissions on our podcast VandyVox. If you know of students who…
Posted by Derek Bruff on February 16, 2022 in Center for Humanities, Digital Humanities, Events, News, Podcast, Podcasting, VandyVox

Digital Presence: Academic Podcasting
Why start a podcast as an academic? In this “Digital Presence” panel, we will learn about three academic podcasts, each with a different mission and audience. Law professor Ed Cheng is the producer of Excited Utterance, a long-running podcast featuring interviews with scholars in his research area (evidence and proof). Kate Stuart produces the Beyond…
Posted by shephs2 on October 6, 2021 in Digital Commons, digital presence, Educational Technology, Events, Podcasting, Zoom

Student-Produced Podcasts: A Conversation on Digital Pedagogy, November 7th
Podcasts have been around since the early 2000s, but the medium has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, thanks to increasing smart phone adoption and to very popular podcasts like Serial and Radiolab. Educational uses of podcasts are growing, as well. Some instructors create podcasts for use in their courses, others assign podcasts as “texts”…
Posted by Derek Bruff on October 3, 2017 in Digital Pedagogy, Educational Technology, Events, Podcasting
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