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Torres, R.; Thal, L.B.; McBride, J.R.; Cohen, B.E.; Rosenthal, S.J. Quantum Dot Fluorescent Imaging: Using Atomic Structure Correlation Studies to Improve Photophysical Properties J. Phys Chem C 2024.


Click, S.M.; Koziel, A.C.; Torres, R.; Flores, S.; McBride, J.R.; Rosenthal, S.J. Quantitative morphological analysis of InP-based quantum dots reveals new insights into the complexity of shell growth J Chem Physics 2023, 158.

Click, S.M.; Rosenthal, S.J. Synthesis, Surface Chemistry, and Fluorescent Properties of InP Quantum Dots Chemistry of Materials 2023, 35, 3.


Kovtun, O.; Rosenthal, S.J. Methodological Nuances of Measuring Membrane Protein Nanoscopic Organization: A Case of Dopamine Transporter J Electrochem Society 2022169, 4.

Bradsher, C.E.; Ontko, C.D.; Koziel, A.C.; McBride, J.R.; Rosenthal, S.J. Fluorescent Colloidal Ferroelectric Nanocrystals J American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 4.


Tomlinson, I.D.; Kovtun, O.; Torres, R.; Bellocchio, L.G.; Josephs, T; Rosenthal, S.J. A Novel Biotinylated Homotryptamine Derivative for Quantum Dot Imaging of Serotonin Transporter in Live Cells Front Cell Neurosci 2021, 15.

Kovtun, O.; Torres, R.; Bellocchio, L. G.; Rosenthal, S. J. Membrane Nanoscopic Organization of D2L Dopamine Receptor Probed by Quantum Dot Tracking Membranes 2021, 11, 578.

McCarty, R.; Josephs, T.; Kovtun, O.; Rosenthal, S.J. Enlightened: addressing circadian and seasonal changes in photoperiod in animal models of bipolar disorder Translational Psychiatry 2021, 11, 373.

Rosenthal, S.J.; Josephs, T.; Kovtun, O.; McCarty, R. Rate of change in solar insolation is a hidden variable that influences seasonal alterations in bipolar disorder Brain and Behavior 2021.


Stachurski, C. D.; Click, S. M.; Wolfe, K. D.; Dervishogullari, D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Cliffel, D. E. Optical and Electrochemical Tuning of Hydrothermally Synthesized Nitrogen-doped Carbon Dots Nanoscale Adv. 2020, , 2 3375-3383.

Kovtun, O.; Torres, R.; Ferguson, R. S.; Josephs, T.; Rosenthal, S. J. Single Quantum Dot Tracking Unravels Agonist Effects on the Dopamine Receptor Dynamics Biochemistry 2020, , .

Rosenthal, S. J.; Josephs, T.; Kovtun, O.; McCarty, R. Seasonal Effects on Bipolar Disorder: A Closer Look Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Review 2020, 115, 199-219.

Freymeyer, N. J.; Click, S. M.; Reid, K. R.; Chisholm, M. F., F.; Bradsher, C. E.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J. Effect of Indium Alloying on the Charge Carrier Dynamics of Thick-shell InP/ZnSe Quantum Dots J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 161104.

Thal, L. B.; Kovtun, O.; Rosenthal, S. J., Single Quantum Dot Imaging in Living Cells. Methods Mol. Biol. (N. Y., NY, U. S.) 2020, 2135 (Quantum Dots), 169-177.

Kovtun, O.; Thal, L. B.; Josephs, T.; Rosenthal, S. J., Quantitative Analysis of Single Quantum Dot Trajectories. Methods Mol. Biol. (N. Y., NY, U. S.) 2020, 2135 (Quantum Dots), 109-123.

McBride, J. R.; Mishra, N.; Click, S. M.; Orfield, N. J.; Wang, F.; Acharya, K.; Chisholm, M. F.; Htoon, H.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Hollingsworth, J. A. Role of Shell Composition and Morphology in Achieving Single-Emitter Photostability for Green-Emitting “Giant” Quantum Dots J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 1-11.

Thal, L. B.; Mann, V. R.; Sprinzen, D.; McBride, J. R.; Reid, K. R.; Tomlinson, I. D.; McMahon, D. G.; Cohen, B. E.; Rosenthal, S. J. Ligand-Conjugated Quantum Dots for Fast Sub-Diffraction Protein Tracking in Acute Brain Slices Biomater. Sci. 2020, 8, 837-845.


Kovtun, O.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Ferguson, R. S.; Rosenthal, S. J. Quantum Dots Reveal Heterogeneous Membrane Diffusivity and Dynamic Surface Density Polarization of Dopamine Transporter PLOS One 2019, 1-25.

McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J. Real Colloidal Quantum Dot Structures Revealed by High Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy J. Chem. Phys. 2019, 151, 160903.

VanWie, T.; Wysocki, E.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J. Bright Cool White Emission from Ultrasmall CdSe Quantum Dots Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 8558-8562.

Bradsher, C. E.; McBride, J. R.; Macdonald, J. E.; Rosenthal, S. J. Modulating Ferroelectric Response in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals through Cation Exchange Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 4275-4281.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Kovtun, O.; Crescentini, T. M.; Rosenthal S. J.; Biotinylated-spiperone ligands for quantum dot labeling of the dopamine D2 receptor in live cell cultures Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2019, 29(8), 959-964.

Rosenthal, S. J. Nanotechnology in Neuroscience Reveals Membrane Mobility Matters ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019, 10 (1), 30.

Thal, L. B.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Quinlan, M. A.; Kovtun, O., Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Single Quantum Dot Imaging Reveals PKCβ-Dependent Alterations in Membrane Diffusion and Clustering of an Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Autism/Bipolar Disorder-Associated Dopamine Transporter Variant ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019, 10 (1) , 460.


Soetan, N.; Puretzky, A.; Reid, K.; Boulesbaa, A.; Zarick, H. F.; Hunt, A.; Rose, O.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Geohegan, D. B.; Bardhan, R.; Ultrafast Spectral Dynamics of CsPb(BrxCl1-x)3 Mixed-Halide Nanocrystals ACS Photonics 2018, 5(9), 3575-3583.

Reid, K.R.; McBride, J. R.; La Croix, A. D.; Freymeyer, N. J.; Click, S. M.; Macdonald, J. E.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Role of Surface Morphology on Exciton Recombination in Single Quantum Dot-in-Rods Revealed by Optical and Atomic Structure Correlation ACS Nano 2018, 12 , 11434.

Brubaker, C. D.; Frecker, T. M.; McBride, J. M.; Reid, K. R.; Jennings, G. K.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Adams, D. E.; Incorporation of Fluorescent Quantum Dots for 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Applications J. Mater. Chem. C. 2018, 6, 7584-93.

Bailey, D. M.; Catron, M. A.; Kovtun, O.; Macdonald, R. L.; Zhang, Q.; and Rosenthal, S. J.; Single Quantum Dot Tracking Reveals Serotonin Transporter Diffusion Dynamics are Correlated with Cholesterol-Sensitive Threonine 276 Phosphorylation Status in Primary Midbrain Neurons ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2018, 9, 2534.

Kovtun, O.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Bailey, D. M.; Thal, L. B.; Ross, E. J.; Harris, L.; Frankland, M. P.; Ferguson, R. S.; Glaser, Z.; Greer IV, J.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Single Quantum Dot Tracking Illuminates Neuroscience at the Nanoscale Chem. Phys. Lett. 2018, 704, 741.

Brubaker, C. D.; Davies, M. A; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Jennings, G. K.; Adams, D. E.; Nondestructive Evaluation and Detection of Defects in 3D-Printed Materials Using the Optical Properties of Gold Nanoparticles ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2018, 1(3), 1377–1384.

Reid, K.R.; McBride, J. R.; Freymeyer, N. J.; Thal, L. B.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Chemical Structure, Ensemble and Single-Particle Spectroscopy of Thick-Shell InP–ZnSe Quantum Dots Nano Let. 2018, 18(2), 705-716.

Fan, F.; Voznyy, O.; Sabatini, R.P.; Bicanic, K.T.; Adachi, M.M.; McBride, J.R.; Reid, K.R.; Park, Y.; Li, X.; Jain, A.; Quintero-Bermudez, R.; Saravanapavanantham, M.; Liu, M.; Korkusinski, M.; Hawrylak, P.; Klimov, V.I.; Rosenthal, S.J.; Hoogland, S.; Sargent, E.H.; Continuous-wave Lasing in Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids Enabled by Facet-selective Epitaxy Nature 2017, 544, 75–79.

La Croix, A. D.; O’Hara, A.; Reid, K.R.; Orfield, N. J.; Pantelides, S. T.; Rosenthal, S.J.; Macdonald, J. E.; Design of a Hole Trapping Ligand.; Nano Lett. 2017, 17 (2), 909–914.

Bailey, D. M., Kovtun, O., and Rosenthal, S. J. Antibody-conjugated single quantum dot tracking of membrane neurotransmitter transporters in primary neuronal cultures. Biomedical Nanotechnology, Springer Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Editors: Petrosko, S.H. and Day, E.R., 1570:165-177, 2017.

Thal, L. B., Bailey, D. M., Kovtun, O., and Rosenthal, S. J. Quantum dot toolbox in neurotransmitter transporter research. Chemical and Synthetic Approaches to Membrane Proteins, Springer Protocol Series, Editor: Shukla, A.K., 219-230, 2017.

Orfield, N. J.; McBride, J. R.; Wang, F.; Buck, M.R; Keene, J. D.; Reid, K.R.; Htoon, H.; Hollingsworth, J.A.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Quantum Yield Heterogeneity among Single Nonblinking Quantum Dots Reveled By Atomic Structure-Quantum Optics Correlation ACS Nano 2016, 10 (2), 1960-1968.

Niezgoda, J. S.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Synthetic Strategies for Semiconductor Nanocrystals Expressing Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance ChemPhysChem 2016, 17 (5), 645–653.

Frecker, T.; Bailey, D.; McBride, J.R.; Arzeta-Ferrer, X.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Review—Quantum Dots and Their Application in Lighting, Displays, and Biology J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 2016, 5 (1) 3019-3031.

Kovtun, O., and Rosenthal, S.J. Ensemble and single quantum dot fluorescence methods in neurotransmitter transporter research. Neuromethods: Neurotransmitter Transporters, Springer Protocol Series, Editors: Sitte, H.H. and Boenish, H., 118: 129-141, 2016.


Gizzie, E. A.; Niezgoda, J. S.; Maxwell, R. T.; Harris, A. G.; Jennings, G. K.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Cliffel, D. E.; Photosystem I-polyaniline/TiO2 Solid-State Solar Cells: Simple Devices for Biohybrid Solar Energy Conversion Energy Environ. Sci. 2015, 8, 3572-3576

Niezgoda, J. S.; Ng, A.; Poplawsky, J. D.; McBride, J. R.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Visualization of Current and Mapping of Elements in Quantum Dot Solar Cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 26 (6), 895–902.

Wrenn, T. L.; McBride, J. R.; Smith, N.J.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Has the Sun Set on Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells? Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 2015, 5, 16.

Wrenn, T. L.; McBride, J. R.; Mares, J.W.; Rosenthal, S. J., Ferroelectric Particles Generated through a Simple, Room-Temperature Treatment of CdSe Quantum Dots. Chemistry of Materials 2015 27 (11), 3817-3820.

Prasai, D.; Klots, A.R.; Newaz, A.; Niezgoda, J. S.; Orfield, N. J.; Escobar, C. A.; Wynn, A.; Efimov, A.; Jennings, G. K.; Rosenthal, S. J. and Bolotin, K. I.; Electrical Control of near-Field Energy Transfer between Quantum Dots and Two-Dimensional Semiconductors. Nano Letters 2015 15, 4374-4380.

Kovtun, O.; Sakrikar, D.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Chang, J. C.; Arzeta-Ferrer, X.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Single-Quantum Dot Tracking Reveals Altered Membrane Dynamics of an Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-Derived Dopamine Transporter Coding Variant. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2015, 6 (4), 526-534.

Orfield, N. J.; McBride, J. R.; Keene, J. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Correlation of Atomic Structure and Photoluminescence of the Same Quantum Dot: Pinpointing Surface and Internal Defects that Inhibit Photoluminescence. ACS Nano 2015, 9 (1), 831-839.
Keene, J. D.; McBride, J. R.; Orfield, N. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Elimination of Hole-Surface Overlap in Graded CdSxSe1-x Nanocrystals Revealed By Ultrafast Fluorescence Upconversion Spectroscopy. ACS Nano 2014, 8 (10), 10665-10673.

Niezgoda, J. S.; Yap, E.; Keene, J. D.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Plasmonic CuxInyS2 Quantum Dots Make Better Photovoltaics Than Their non-Plasmonic Counterparts. Nano. Lett. 2014, 14 (6), 3262-3269.

Jackson, S. R.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Wright, D. W., Where’s the Silver? Imaging Trace Silver Coverage on the Surface of Gold Nanorods. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136 (14), 5261-5263.

Ng, A.; Poplawsky, J. D.; Li, C.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Direct Electronic Property Imaging of a Nanocrystal-Based Photovoltaic Device by Electron Beam-Induced Current via Scanning Electron Microscopy. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5 (5), 856-860.
Beikmann, B. S.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Andrews, A. M., Serotonin Uptake Is Largely Mediated by Platelets versus Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood Cells. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2013, 4 (1), 161-170.

Chang, J. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., A Bright Light to Reveal Mobility: Single Quantum Dot Tracking Reveals Membrane Dynamics and Cellular Mechanisms. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4 (17), 2858-2866.

Chang, J. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., Quantum dot-based single-molecule microscopy for the study of protein dynamics. Methods Mol. Biol. (N. Y., NY, U. S.) 2013, 1026 (NanoBiotechnology Protocols), 71-84.

Chang, J. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., Single quantum dot imaging in living cells. Methods Mol. Biol. (N. Y., NY, U. S.) 2013, 991 (Cellular and Subcellular Nanotechnology), 149-162.

Gussin, H. A.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Cao, D.; Qian, H.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Pepperberg, D. R., Quantum Dot Conjugates of GABA and Muscimol: Binding to α1β2γ2 and ρ1 GABAA Receptors. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2013, 4 (3), 435-443.

Harrell, S. M.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Magic-Sized CdSe Nanocrystals. Chem. Mater. 2013, 25 (8), 1199-1210.

Kochemba, W. M.; Pickel, D. L.; Keene, J. D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Sumpter, B. G.; Chen, J.; Kilbey, S. M., Correction to In Situ Formation of Pyridyl-Functionalized Poly(3-hexylthiophene)s via Quenching of the Grignard Metathesis Polymerization: Toward Ligands for Semiconductor Quantum Dots. Chem. Mater. 2013, 25 (1), 113.

Kovtun, O.; Arzeta-Ferrer, X.; Rosenthal, S. J., Quantum dot approaches for target-based drug screening and multiplexed active biosensing. Nanoscale 2013, 5 (24), 12072-12081.

McBride, J. R.; Pennycook, T. J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., The Possibility and Implications of Dynamic Nanoparticle Surfaces. ACS Nano 2013, 7 (10), 8358-8365.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Wright, D. W.; Editors, NanoBiotechnology Protocols, Second Edition. [In: Methods Mol. Biol. (N. Y., NY, U. S.), 2013; 1026]. 2013; p 196 pp.

Yang, X.; Masadeh, A. S.; McBride, J. R.; Bozin, E. S.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Billinge, S. J. L., Confirmation of disordered structure of ultrasmall CdSe nanoparticles from X-ray atomic pair distribution function analysis. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15 (22), 8480-8486.
Chang, J. C.; Kovtun, O.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Labeling of neuronal receptors and transporters with quantum dots. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Nanomed. Nanobiotechnol. 2012, 4 (6), 605-619.

Chang, J. C.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Warnement, M. R.; Ustione, A.; Carneiro, A. M. D.; Piston, D. W.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Single molecule analysis of serotonin transporter regulation using antagonist-conjugated quantum dots reveals restricted, p38 MAPK-dependent mobilization underlying uptake activation. J. Neurosci. 2012, 32 (26), 8919-8929.

Chang, J. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., Visualization of Lipid Raft Membrane Compartmentalization in Living RN46A Neuronal Cells Using Single Quantum Dot Tracking. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2012, 3 (10), 737-743.

Harrison, M. A.; Ng, A.; Hmelo, A. B.; Rosenthal, S. J., CdSSe Nanocrystals with Induced Chemical Composition Gradients. Isr. J. Chem. 2012, 52 (11-12), 1063-1072.

Kovtun, O.; Ross, E. J.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., A flow cytometry-based dopamine transporter binding assay using antagonist-conjugated quantum dots. Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.) 2012, 48 (44), 5428-5430.

Kovtun, O.; Rosenthal, S. J., Biological applications of photoluminescent semiconductor quantum dots. Handb. Lumin. Semicond. Mater. 2012, 411-437, 3 plates.

Niezgoda, J. S.; Harrison, M. A.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Novel Synthesis of Chalcopyrite CuxInyS2 Quantum Dots with Tunable Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances. Chem. Mater. 2012, 24 (16), 3294-3298.

Pennycook, T. J.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Pantelides, S. T., Dynamic Fluctuations in Ultrasmall Nanocrystals Induce White Light Emission. Nano Lett. 2012, 12 (6), 3038-3042.

Pennycook, T. J.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Pantelides, S. T., Dynamic fluctuations in ultrasmall nanocrystals induce white light emission [Erratum to document cited in CA156:679007]. Nano Lett. 2012, 12 (8), 4415.

Rosson, T. E.; Claiborne, S. M.; McBride, J. R.; Stratton, B. S.; Rosenthal, S. J., Bright White Light Emission from Ultrasmall Cadmium Selenide Nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134 (19), 8006-8009.

Singh, Y. S.; Altieri, S. C.; Gilman, T. L.; Michael, H. M.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Swain, G. M.; Murphey-Corb, M. A.; Ferrell, R. E.; Andrews, A. M., Differential serotonin transport is linked to the rh5-HTTLPR in peripheral blood cells. Transl. Psychiatry 2012, 2 (Feb.), e77/1-e77/9, Se77/1-Se77/20.

Solis, E., Jr.; Zdravkovic, I.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Noskov, S. Y.; Rosenthal, S. J.; De Felice, L. J., 4-(4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)-1-methylpyridinium (APP+) Is a Fluorescent Substrate for the Human Serotonin Transporter. J. Biol. Chem. 2012, 287 (12), 8852-8863.
Chang, J. C.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Warnement, M. R.; Iwamoto, H.; DeFelice, L. J.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., A Fluorescence Displacement Assay for Antidepressant Drug Discovery Based on Ligand-Conjugated Quantum Dots. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133 (44), 17528-17531.

Chang, J. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., Real-time quantum dot tracking of single proteins. Methods Mol. Biol. (N. Y., NY, U. S.) 2011, 726 (Biomedical Nanotechnology), 51-62.

Dukes, A. D.; Samson, P. C.; Keene, J. D.; Davis, L. M.; Wikswo, J. P.; Rosenthal, S. J., Single-Nanocrystal Spectroscopy of White-Light-Emitting CdSe Nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115 (16), 4076-4081.

Dukes, A. D., III; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Luminescent quantum dots. ECS Trans. 2011, 33 (33, Luminescence and Display Materials), 3-16.

Kovtun, O.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Sakrikar, D. S.; Chang, J. C.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Visualization of the Cocaine-Sensitive Dopamine Transporter with Ligand-Conjugated Quantum Dots. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2011, 2 (7), 370-378.

MacKay, P. S.; Kremers, G.-J.; Kobukai, S.; Cobb, J. G.; Kuley, A.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Koktysh, D. S.; Gore, J. C.; Pham, W., Multimodal imaging of dendritic cells using a novel hybrid magneto-optical nanoprobe. Nanomedicine (Philadelphia, PA, U. S.) 2011, 7 (4), 489-496.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Chang, J. C.; Kovtun, O.; McBride, J. R.; Tomlinson, I. D., Biocompatible Quantum Dots for Biological Applications. Chem. Biol. 2011, 18 (1), 10-24.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Iwamoto, H.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Biotin tethered homotryptamine derivatives: high affinity probes of the human serotonin transporter (hSERT). Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21 (6), 1678-1682.
Ciesielski, P. N.; Hijazi, F. M.; Scott, A. M.; Faulkner, C. J.; Beard, L.; Emmett, K.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Cliffel, D.; Kane Jennings, G., Photosystem I- based biohybrid photoelectrochemical cells. Bioresour. Technol. 2010, 101 (9), 3047-3053.

Dukes, A. D.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Synthesis of Magic-Sized CdSe and CdTe Nanocrystals with Diisooctylphosphinic Acid. Chem. Mater. 2010, 22 (23), 6402-6408.

Gosnell, J. D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Weiss, S. M., White light emission characteristics of polymer-encapsulated CdSe nanocrystal films. IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 2010, 22 (8), 541-543.

Gussin, H. A.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Muni, N. J.; Little, D. M.; Qian, H.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Pepperberg, D. R., GABAC Receptor Binding of Quantum-Dot Conjugates of Variable Ligand Valency. Bioconjugate Chem. 2010, 21 (8), 1455-1464.

Koktysh, D. S.; McBride, J. R.; Geil, R. D.; Schmidt, B. W.; Rogers, B. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Facile route to SnS nanocrystals and their characterization. Mater. Sci. Eng., B 2010, 170 (1-3), 117-122.

McBride, J. R.; Dukes, A. D., III; Schreuder, M. A.; Rosenthal, S. J., On ultrasmall nanocrystals. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2010, 498 (1-3), 1-9.

Pennycook, S. J.; Varela, M.; Chisholm, M. F.; Borisevich, A. Y.; Lupini, A. R.; van Benthem, K.; Oxley, M. P.; Luo, W.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Oh, S. H.; Sales, D. L.; Molina, S. I.; Sohlberg, K.; Pantelides, S. T., Scanning transmission electron microscopy of nanostructures. Oxford Handb. Nanosci. Technol. 2010, 2, 205-248.

Schreuder, M. A.; Xiao, K.; Ivanov, I. N.; Weiss, S. M.; Rosenthal, S. J., White Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Ultrasmall CdSe Nanocrystal Electroluminescence. Nano Lett. 2010, 10 (2), 573-576.
Bowers, M. J., II; McBride, J. R.; Garrett, M. D.; Sammons, J. A.; Dukes, A. D., III; Schreuder, M. A.; Watt, T. L.; Lupini, A. R.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Structure and Ultrafast Dynamics of White-Light-Emitting CdSe Nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (16), 5730-5731.

McBride, J. R.; Lupini, A. R.; Schreuder, M. A.; Smith, N. J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Few-Layer Graphene as a Support Film for Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging of Nanoparticles. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2009, 1 (12), 2886-2892.

Orndorff, R. L.; Rosenthal, S. J., Neurotoxin Quantum Dot Conjugates Detect Endogenous Targets Expressed in Live Cancer Cells. Nano Lett. 2009, 9 (7), 2589-2599.

Redigolo, M. L.; Koktysh, D. S.; van Benthem, K.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Dickerson, J. H., Europium sulfide nanoparticles in the sub-2 nm size regime. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2009, 115 (2-3), 526-529.

Rosenthal, S. J.; McBride, J. R., Putting the squeeze on nanocrystals. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2009, 4 (1), 16-17.

Schreuder, M. A.; McBride, J. R.; Dukes, A. D.; Sammons, J. A.; Rosenthal, S. J., Control of Surface State Emission via Phosphonic Acid Modulation in Ultrasmall CdSe Nanocrystals: The Role of Ligand Electronegativity. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113 (19), 8169-8176.
Dukes, A. D., III; Schreuder, M. A.; Sammons, J. A.; McBride, J. R.; Smith, N. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Pinned emission from ultrasmall cadmium selenide nanocrystals. J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 129 (12), 121102/1-121102/4.

Garrett, M. D.; Bowers, M. J., II; McBride, J. R.; Orndorff, R. L.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Band Edge Dynamics in CdSe Nanocrystals Observed by Ultrafast Fluorescence Upconversion. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112 (2), 436-442.

Garrett, M. D.; Bowers, M. J.; McBride, J. R.; Orndorff, R. L.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Band edge dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals observed by ultrafast fluorescence upconversion. [Erratum to document cited in CA148:224504]. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112 (15), 6212.

Garrett, M. D.; Dukes, A. D., III; McBride, J. R.; Smith, N. J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Band Edge Recombination in CdSe, CdS and CdSxSe1-x Alloy Nanocrystals Observed by Ultrafast Fluorescence Upconversion: The Effect of Surface Trap States. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112 (33), 12736-12746.

Kippeny, T. C.; Bowers, M. J., II; Dukes, A. D., III; McBride, J. R.; Orndorff, R. L.; Garrett, M. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Effects of surface passivation on the exciton dynamics of CdSe nanocrystals as observed by ultrafast fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 128 (8), 084713/1-084713/7.

Narayanaswamy, A.; McBride, J.; Swafford, L. A.; Dhar, S.; Budai, J. D.; Feldman, L. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., Synthesis and characterization of porous TiO2 with wormhole-like framework structure. J. Porous Mater. 2008, 15 (1), 21-27.

Orndorff, R. L.; Warnement, M. R.; Mason, J. N.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Quantum Dot Ex Vivo Labeling of Neuromuscular Synapses. Nano Lett. 2008, 8 (3), 780-785.

Redigolo, M. L.; Koktysh, D. S.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Dickerson, J. H.; Gai, Z.; Gao, L.; Shen, J., Magnetization reversal in europium sulfide nanocrystals”. Response to comment. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92 (2), 026103/1-026103/2.

Schreuder, M. A.; Gosnell, J. D.; Smith, N. J.; Warnement, M. R.; Weiss, S. M.; Rosenthal, S. J., Encapsulated white-light CdSe nanocrystals as nanophosphors for solid-state lighting. J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18 (9), 970-975.

Smith, N. J.; Emmett, K. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Photovoltaic cells fabricated by electrophoretic deposition of CdSe nanocrystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93 (4), 043504/1-043504/3.

Warnement, M. R.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Chang, J. C.; Schreuder, M. A.; Luckabaugh, C. M.; Rosenthal, S. J., Controlling the Reactivity of Ampiphilic Quantum Dots in Biological Assays through Hydrophobic Assembly of Custom PEG Derivatives. Bioconjugate Chem. 2008, 19 (7), 1404-1413.
Addae-Mensah, K. A.; Kassebaum, N. J.; Bowers, M. J.; Reiserer, R. S.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Moore, P. E.; Wikswo, J. P., A flexible, quantum dot-labeled cantilever post array for studying cellular microforces. Sens. Actuators, A 2007, 136 (1), 385-397.

Koktysh, D. S.; McBride, J. R.; Dixit, S. K.; Feldman, L. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., PbS/PbSe structures with core-shell type morphology synthesized from PbS nanocrystals. Nanotechnology 2007, 18 (49), 495607/1-495607/4.

Koktysh, D. S.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Synthesis of SnS nanocrystals by the solvothermal decomposition of a single source precursor. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2007, 2 (3), 144-148.

Redigolo, M. L.; Koktysh, D. S.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Dickerson, J. H., Physical properties of quantum-confined europium sulfide nanocrystals. Phys. Status Solidi C 2007, 4 (2), 406-408.

Rosenthal, S. J.; McBride, J.; Pennycook, S. J.; Feldman, L. C., Synthesis, surface studies, composition and structural characterization of CdSe, core/shell and biologically active nanocrystals. Surf. Sci. Rep. 2007, 62 (4), 111-157.

Tomlinson Ian, D.; Gussin Helene, A.; Little Deborah, M.; Warnement Michael, R.; Qian, H.; Pepperberg David, R.; Rosenthal Sandra, J., Imaging GABAc receptors with ligand-conjugated quantum dots. J Biomed Biotechnol 2007, 2007, 76514.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Warnerment, M. R.; Mason, J. N.; Vergne, M. J.; Hercules, D. M.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Synthesis and characterization of a pegylated derivative of 3-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-pyridin-4yl)-1H-indole (IDT199): A high affinity SERT ligand for conjugation to quantum dots. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2007, 17 (20), 5656-5660.

Warnement, M. R.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Fluorescent imaging applications of quantum dot probes. Curr. Nanosci. 2007, 3 (4), 273-284.
Gussin, H. A.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Little, D. M.; Warnement, M. R.; Qian, H.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Pepperberg, D. R., Binding of Muscimol-Conjugated Quantum Dots to GABAC Receptors. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128 (49), 15701-15713.

McBride, J.; Treadway, J.; Feldman, L. C.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Structural Basis for Near Unity Quantum Yield Core/Shell Nanostructures. Nano Lett. 2006, 6 (7), 1496-1501.

Redigolo, M. L.; Koktysh, D. S.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Dickerson, J. H.; Gai, Z.; Gao, L.; Shen, J., Magnetization reversal in europium sulfide nanocrystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 89 (22), 222501/1-222501/3.

Swafford, L. A.; Weigand, L. A.; Bowers, M. J., II; McBride, J. R.; Rapaport, J. L.; Watt, T. L.; Dixit, S. K.; Feldman, L. C.; Rosenthal, S. J., Homogeneously Alloyed CdSxSe1-x Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization, and Composition/Size-Dependent Band Gap. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128 (37), 12299-12306.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Mason, J. N.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., High affinity inhibitors of the dopamine transporter (DAT): Novel biotinylated ligands for conjugation to quantum dots. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2006, 16 (17), 4664-4667.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Gies, A. P.; Gresch, P. J.; Dillard, J.; Orndorff, R. L.; Sanders-Bush, E.; Hercules, D. M.; Rosenthal, S. J., Universal polyethylene glycol linkers for attaching receptor ligands to quantum dots. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2006, 16 (24), 6262-6266.

Warnement Michael, R.; Faley Shannon, L.; Wikswo John, P.; Rosenthal Sandra, J., Quantum dot probes for monitoring dynamic cellular response: reporters of T cell activation. IEEE Trans Nanobioscience 2006, 5 (4), 268-72.

Wijtmans, M.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Zwanenburg, B.; Porter, N. A., Visible Light Excitation of CdSe Nanocrystals Triggers the Release of Coumarin from Cinnamate Surface Ligands. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128 (35), 11720-11726.
Bentzen, E. L.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Mason, J.; Gresch, P.; Warnement, M. R.; Wright, D.; Sanders-Bush, E.; Blakely, R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Surface Modification To Reduce Nonspecific Binding of Quantum Dots in Live Cell Assays. Bioconjugate Chem. 2005, 16 (6), 1488-1494.

Bowers, M. J., II; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., White-Light Emission from Magic-Sized Cadmium Selenide Nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127 (44), 15378-15379.

Hertel, T.; Hagen, A.; Talalaev, V.; Arnold, K.; Hennrich, F.; Kappes, M.; Rosenthal, S.; McBride, J.; Ulbricht, H.; Flahaut, E., Spectroscopy of Single- and Double-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in Different Environments. Nano Lett. 2005, 5 (3), 511-514.

Mason, J. N.; Farmer, H.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Schwartz, J. W.; Savchenko, V.; DeFelice, L. J.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Blakely, R. D., Novel fluorescence-based approaches for the study of biogenic amine transporter localization, activity, and regulation. J. Neurosci. Methods 2005, 143 (1), 3-25.

Mason, J. N.; Tomlinson, I. D.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Blakely, R. D., Labeling cell-surface proteins via antibody quantum dot streptavidin conjugates. Methods Mol. Biol. (Totowa, NJ, U. S.) 2005, 303 (NanoBiotechnology Protocols), 35-50.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Wright, D. W.; Editors, Nanobiotechnology Protocols. 2005; p 228 pp.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Mason, J. N.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Inhibitors of the serotonin transporter protein (SERT): The design and synthesis of biotinylated derivatives of 3-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)-1H-indoles. High-affinity serotonergic ligands for conjugation with quantum dots. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2005, 15 (23), 5307-5310.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Mason, J. N.; Blakely, R. D.; Rosenthal, S. J., Peptide-conjugated quantum dots: Imaging the angiotensin type 1 receptor in living cells. Methods Mol. Biol. (Totowa, NJ, U. S.) 2005, 303 (NanoBiotechnology Protocols), 51-60.

Warnement, M. R.; Rosenthal, S. J., Fluorescent quantum dots: properties and applications. Springer Ser. Fluoresc. 2005, 3 (Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biology), 263-274.
McBride, J. R.; Kippeny, T. C.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Aberration-corrected Z-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy of CdSe nanocrystals. Nano Lett. 2004, 4 (7), 1279-1283.
Pennycook, S. J.; Lupini, A. R.; Kadavanich, A.; McBride, J. R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Puetter, R. C.; Yahil, A.; Krivanek, O. L.; Dellby, N.; Nellist, P. D. L.; Duscher, G.; Wang, L. G.; Pantelides, S. T., Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy: The potential for nano- and interface science. Z. Metallkd. 2003, 94 (4), 350-357.

Swafford, L. A.; Rosenthal, S. J., Molecular- and nanocrystal-based photovoltaics. Mol. Nanoelectron. 2003, 263-290.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Mason, J.; Burton, J. N.; Blakely, R.; Rosenthal, S. J., The design and synthesis of novel derivatives of the dopamine uptake inhibitors GBR 12909 and GBR 12935. High-affinity dopaminergic ligands for conjugation with highly fluorescent cadmium selenide/zinc sulfide core/shell nanocrystals. Tetrahedron 2003, 59 (40), 8035-8047.
Erwin, M. M.; McBride, J.; Kadavanich, A. V.; Rosenthal, S. J., Effects of impurities on the optical properties of poly-3-hexylthiophene thin films. Thin Solid Films 2002, 409 (2), 198-205.

Kippeny, T.; Swafford, L. A.; Rosenthal, S. J., Semiconductor nanocrystals: A powerful visual aid for introducing the particle in a box. J. Chem. Educ. 2002, 79 (9), 1094-1100.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Tomlinson, I.; Adkins, E. M.; Schroeter, S.; Adams, S.; Swafford, L.; McBride, J.; Wang, Y.; DeFelice, L. J.; Blakely, R. D., Targeting Cell Surface Receptors with Ligand-Conjugated Nanocrystals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124 (17), 4586-4594.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Grey, J. L.; Rosenthal, S. J., A synthesis of 6-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-(2-aminopropyl)phenyl)hexylthiol. A ligand for conjugation with fluorescent cadmium selenide/zinc sulfide core/shell nanocrystals and biological imaging. Molecules 2002, 7 (11), 777-790.

Tomlinson, I. D.; Kippeny, T.; Swafford, L.; Siddiqui, N. H.; Rosenthal, S. J., Novel polyethylene glycol derivatives of melatonin and serotonin. Ligands for conjugation to fluorescent cadmium selenide/zinc sulfide core shells and nanocrystals. J. Chem. Res., Synop. 2002, (5), 527-539.
Erwin, M. M.; Kadavanich, A. V.; McBride, J.; Kippeny, T.; Pennycook, S.; Rosenthal, S. J., Material characterization of a nanocrystal based photovoltaic device. Eur. Phys. J. D 2001, 16 (1-3), 275-277.

Kadavanich, A. V.; Kippeny, T. C.; Erwin, M. M.; Pennycook, S. J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Sublattice Resolution Structural and Chemical Analysis of Individual CdSe Nanocrystals Using Atomic Number Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105 (2), 361-369.

Rosenthal, S. J., Bar-coding biomolecules with fluorescent nanocrystals. Nat. Biotechnol. 2001, 19 (7), 621-622.

Taylor, J.; Kippeny, T.; Rosenthal, S. J., Surface stoichiometry of CdSe nanocrystals determined by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. J. Cluster Sci. 2001, 12 (4), 571-582.

Underwood, D. F.; Kippeny, T.; Rosenthal, S. J., Charge carrier dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals: implications for the use of quantum dots in novel photovoltaics. Eur. Phys. J. D 2001, 16 (1-3), 241-244.

Underwood, D. F.; Kippeny, T.; Ward, R.; Kadavanich, A. V.; Taylor, J.; Rosenthal, S. J., Size and surface dependence of ultrafast carrier dynamics in CdSe quantum dots determined by fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy. Springer Ser. Chem. Phys. 2001, 66 (Ultrafast Phenomena XII), 375-377.

Underwood, D. F.; Kippeny, T.; Rosenthal, S. J., Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in CdSe Nanocrystals Determined by Femtosecond Fluorescence Upconversion Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105 (2), 436-443.
2000 and earlier
Bardeen, C. J.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Shank, C. V., Ultrafast Solvation Processes in Polar Liquids Probed with Large Organic Molecules. J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103 (49), 10506-10516.

Huang, M. B.; McDonald, K.; Keay, J. C.; Wang, Y. Q.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Weller, R. A.; Feldman, L. C., Suppression of penetration of aluminum into 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum via a thin oxide barrier. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1998, 73 (20), 2914-2916.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Yeh, A. T.; Alivisatos, A. P.; Shank, C. V., Size dependent absorption anisotropy measurements of CdSe nanocrystals: symmetry assignments for the lowest electronic states. Springer Ser. Chem. Phys. 1996, 62 (Ultrafast Phenomena X), 431-432.

Vajda, S.; Jimenez, R.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Fidler, V.; Fleming, G. R.; Castner, E. W., Jr., Femtosecond to nanosecond solvation dynamics in pure water and inside the γ-cyclodextrin cavity. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 1995, 91 (5), 867-73.

Mittleman, D. M.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Schoenlein, R. W.; Yeh, A. T.; Shank, C. V.; Shiang, J. J.; Colvin, V. L.; Grubbs, R. A.; Alivisatos, A. P., Ultrafast dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals. Springer Ser. Chem. Phys. 1994, 60 (Ultrafast Phenomena IX), 351-3.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Schwartz, B. J.; Rossky, P. J., Calculated photon echo signals for the aqueous solvated electron. The origin of ultrafast electronic dephasing. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1994, 229 (4-5), 443-8.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Jimenez, R.; Fleming, G. R.; Kumar, P. V.; Maroncelli, M., Solvation dynamics in methanol: experimental and molecular dynamics simulation studies. J. Mol. Liq. 1994, 60, 25-56.

Wang, Q.; Schoenlein, R. W.; Peteanu, L. A.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Mathies, R. A.; Shank, C. V., Femtosecond vibrationally coherent photochemistry in the primary event in vision. Springer Ser. Chem. Phys. 1994, 60 (Ultrafast Phenomena IX), 425-6.

Cho, M.; Hu, Y.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Todd, D. C.; Du, M.; Fleming, G. R., Friction effects and barrier crossing. Act. Barrier Crossing 1993, 143-62.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Scherer, N. F.; Cho, M.; Xie, X.; Schmidt, M. E.; Fleming, G. R., Femtosecond solvent dynamics studied by time-resolved fluorescence and transient birefringence. Springer Ser. Chem. Phys. 1993, 55 (Ultrafast Phenomena VIII), 616-17.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Du, M.; Xie, X.; DiMagno, T. J.; Schmidt, M. E.; Norris, J. R.; Fleming, G. R., Femtosecond spontaneous emission studies of photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers. Springer Ser. Chem. Phys. 1993, 55 (Ultrafast Phenomena VIII), 539-40.

Chan, C. K.; Rosenthal, S. J.; DiMagno, T. J.; Chen, L. X. Q.; Xie, X.; Norris, J. R.; Fleming, G. R., Primary charge separation in photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers and femtosecond solvation dynamics. Dyn. Mech. Photoinduced Electron Transfer Relat. Phenom., Proc. Yamada Conf., 29th 1992, 105-22.

Cho, M.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Scherer, N. F.; Ziegler, L. D.; Fleming, G. R., Ultrafast solvent dynamics: connection between time resolved fluorescence and optical Kerr measurements. J. Chem. Phys. 1992, 96 (7), 5033-8.

DiMagno, T. J.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Xie, X.; Du, M.; Chan, C. K.; Hanson, D.; Schiffer, M.; Norris, J. R.; Fleming, G. R., Recent experimental results for the initial step of bacterial photosynthesis. NATO ASI Ser., Ser. A 1992, 237 (Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center II), 209-17.

Hansen, J. E.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Fleming, G. R., Subpicosecond fluorescence depolarization studies of tryptophan and tryptophanyl residues of proteins. J. Phys. Chem. 1992, 96 (7), 3034-40.

Rosenthal, S. J.; Xie, X.; Du, M.; Fleming, G. R., Femtosecond solvation dynamics in acetonitrile: observation of the inertial contribution to the solvent response. J. Chem. Phys. 1991, 95 (6), 4715-18.

Todd, D. C.; Jean, J. M.; Rosenthal, S. J.; Ruggiero, A. J.; Yang, D.; Fleming, G. R., Fluorescence upconversion study of cis-stilbene isomerization. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 93 (12), 8658-68.