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A Benchmark for Our Actions

Oct. 16, 2022—A reflection from our dean, Emilie M. Townes, for October 2022: Lately, I’ve been finding myself talking about integrity in the various talks I’ve been giving. I do so because I think having integrity and living our lives by modeling it gives us a benchmark for our actions.  In this case, integrity is the quality...

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2022 Charge to the Graduates: Imagine Again

May. 20, 2022—well, for those of you who began your time here in the fall of 2019, you have been through it—not just in the classroom—but in the events that surrounded our lives that academic year began with a dispute between the subcontractors that built the new wing of our building all that light and air and...

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The nature and necessity of bone-deep love

May. 3, 2022—Bone-deep love calls us to live our lives out of the possibilities found in wholeness, self-reflection, justice, peace, a new heaven and a new earth, hope and not our shortcomings—that rest on greed, self-centeredness, avarice, coveting, despair. Amazing love moves us to grow in compassion, understanding, and acceptance of each other. A far better place to be morning by morning and day by day.

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No matter what the world hands us we give back love

Apr. 4, 2022—Somehow, no matter what the world hands us we give back love, we stand for goodness, we live our faith, we live with integrity. we live God’s grace large, we stand with the least of these, we build bridges of salvation, liberation, justice, joy, and deep spirit that can carry the depth and breadth of humanity over them.

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A blessing for the imposition of ashes

Feb. 17, 2021—Maker of all things, In a season when we long for touch, presence, connection, we remember our place in the vastness of creation. As we enter a season of 40 days of spiritual preparation, we confess the habits of oppression often come more easily than the practices of sharing resources and challenging bigotry. We seek...

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The end and the beginning

Feb. 17, 2021—Read a blessing for the imposition of ashes >> An Ash Wednesday reflection by the Rev. Laura M. Cheifetz Maybe I am just familiar with the ways white supremacy works Maybe my familiar reminds me to always call a thing exactly what it is… – J Mase III Some say the only constant is change. Others say...

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When a Bird Crashed Into My Window on a Pre-Yom-Kippur Jewish Meditation Virtual Retreat

Sep. 27, 2020—Saturday 26 Sept  / 8 Tishrei When a Bird Crashed Into My Window on a Pre-Yom-Kippur Jewish Meditation Virtual Retreat It was yoga time The instructor was guiding us from downward dog to cobra, when I heard a loud thunk. My mind began to race. I noticed it racing (thanks meditation.) What to do? The...

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Embodied Mutuality

Apr. 9, 2020—A lenten reflection by Lyndsey Godwin (she, her, hers), Assistant Director of the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender, and Sexuality. Foot-washing is a practice of mutuality, embodied. It represents, for me at least, the whole of Jesus’ ministry. This ritual, this practice is the cornerstone of my faith. Though we cannot practice the ritual collectively,...

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a moment of meditation

Apr. 1, 2020—As we explore what it means to be in community virtually, we’ve been meeting weekly on Mondays for a moment of poetry, song, and silence. Periodically, we’ll be sharing parts of those gatherings here, as a resource for you to center yourselves for 15 minutes wherever you are. Click on the links embedded below to...

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