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Spotlight Publication “Photonic crystals with split ring unit cells for subwavelength light confinement” published in Optics Letters

May. 27, 2022—About the author: Kellen P. Arnold is currently a second-year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary materials science under the direction of Dr. Sharon Weiss. The Weiss group focuses on advancing silicon photonics for communications, sensing, and quantum information by leveraging nanoscale light-matter interactions in photonic crystal devices. Kellen’s recent publication proposes a new...

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Meet Our Graduates: Jason Bonacum

May. 19, 2022—Jason Bonacum earned his Ph. D. in Physics from Vanderbilt University in 2020 under the supervision of Professor Richard Haglund. His Ph. D. research focused on characterizing complex atomic structures in intercalated few-layer graphene using atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, which was performed in collaboration with the Advanced Microscopy Lab at Oak Ridge National Laboratory....

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2022 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

May. 18, 2022—The VINSE summer nanoseminar series provides an opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their current research with the larger VINSE community to foster discussion and collaboration.  Each seminar will consist of 2 talks of 15-20 minutes each with 10-15 minutes of questions.  The goal of these talks is to discuss and challenge the...

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Dissertation Defense: Janna Rathert, Mechanical Engineering

May. 18, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Janna Rathert, Mechanical Engineering *under the direction of Dr. Jason Valentine & Dr. Cary Pint “Optimization of Ionic Transport in Electrochemical Devices” 05.25.22 | 11:00am CST | 132 Featheringill Hall | Zoom The increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations due to anthropogenic emissions poses imminent threats to Earth’s climate system and its most vulnerable...

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Dissertation Defense: Kan Li, Interdisciplinary Materials Science

May. 16, 2022—DISSERTATION DEFENSE Kan Li, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. Ronald Schrimpf “Laser-induced single event effects, total-ionizing-dose effects, and low-frequency noise in advanced FinFETs” Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | 12:00 | Zoom In this dissertation, radiation effects and low-frequency noise are studied in advanced FinFETs. Firstly, we evaluate the single-event effects on devices...

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Congratulations to VINSE’s 2022 Graduates

May. 14, 2022—VINSE would like to congratulate all of the 2022 Vanderbilt graduates, especially those associated with VINSE.  These students carried out research within our facilities, were members of our VINSE Tech Crew or participated in NanoDay! and colloquia events.  We wish you all the best as you begin then next phase of your career. VINSE Undergraduate...

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Spotlight Publication: “Fluorescent Colloidal Ferroelectric Nanocrystals” published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society

May. 10, 2022—About the author: Cara Bradsher earned her Ph.D. in October 2021 under the direction of Dr. Sandra Rosenthal and is currently working as a research scientist in nanoparticle research and development in San Diego. Her Ph.D. work focused on the introduction of ferroelectric properties in quantum dots through cation exchange. In recently published work, she...

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VINSE Night at the Nashville Sounds

May. 9, 2022—Join the VINSE community at the Nashville Sounds Game Night.  This is a family event, so feel free to include your family and invite members from your research groups. Nashville Sounds vs. Gwinnett Stripers, June 24th @ 7:05PM Postgame Fireworks Limited tickets available, reserve your tickets here.

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VINSE Workshop: LinkedIn

May. 6, 2022—Join Dr. Rui Wang for tips and strategies that will help make your LinkedIn profile stand out! In this VINSE workshop you will learn the ins and outs of using this social media platform for professional networking and your personal branding. July 1, 2022 | 12:00  |  Virtual only | No cost | Pre-registration Required...

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Meet Our Graduates: Gabriel LeBlanc

May. 6, 2022—Gabriel LeBlanc earned his PhD. from Vanderbilt University in 2010 under the direction of Dr. David Cliffel, studying how the biological nanomaterial Photosystem I in plants could be incorporated into solar cells. While at Vanderbilt, Gabriel took advantage of the analytical tools and collaborative environment enabled by Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) to publish over 10 peer-reviewed articles...

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