January 5, 2021: Prof. Duddu received a new funding grant from NASA’s Cryosphere program on a project entitled “Modeling of Antarctic Glacier and Ice-shelf Calving and Stability (MAGICS) using computation, data and machine learning.”
December 17, 2020: Xiangming Sun and Prof. Duddu co-authored a paper that is accepted for publication in Corrosion Science journal.
November 5, 2020: Prof. Matt Berger and Prof. Duddu begin a new collaborative research project on mechanics-guided machine learning for constitutive models
October 14, 2020: Prof. Duddu gave an invited seminar talk via Zoom at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory in the Marine Geology and Geophysics division
September 4, 2020: Prof. Shihong Lin, Prof. Kane Jennings and Prof. Duddu receive a new research grant from the NSF CBET Interface Engineering program that involves finite element modeling of reactive ion transport process
August 22, 2019: Prof. Duddu gave an invited seminar talk in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology.
August 1, 2019: Xiangming Sun and Prof. Duddu co-authored a paper that is accepted for publication in Finite Elements in Analysis and Design journal.
July 29, 2019: Prof. Duddu delivered a presentation at USNCCM15! in Austin, TX, on the stabilized finite element method for stiff cohesive laws.
June 20, 2019: Prof. Duddu delivered a presentation at ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) 2019 in Pasadena, CA, on the phase field approach to model mixed-mode brittle fracture.
May 8, 2019: Congratulations to Vignesh Devendiran who completed his M. S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
January 19, 2018: Postdoc Dr. Pranav Karve and Prof. Duddu are co-authors on an article published in the journal of urolithiasis entitled “In vitro feasibility of next generation nonlinear beamforming ultrasound methods to characterize and size kidney stones.”
December 1, 2017: Congratulations to Stephen Jimenez who successfully defended his Ph. D. thesis.
November 10, 2017: Prof. Duddu served as a ad hoc (written) panel reviewer for a proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation.
October 25, 2017: Prof. Duddu gave a presentation on a stabilized method for delamination fracture simulation at the American Society for Composites (ASC) 2017 Conference at Purdue University.
October 10, 2017: Prof. Duddu gave a presentation on the damage mechanics approach to ice sheet fracture at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) 2017 Conference in Seattle, WA.
July 28, 2017: Prof. Duddu’s collaborative modeling effort on multispecies ionic transport is published in the journal of Cement and Concrete Research.
June 5, 2017: Gourab Ghosh and Stephen Jimenez contributed to oral and poster presentations at the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2017 conference in San Diego, CA
May 12, 2017: Congratulations to Stephen Jimenez who received the 2016 Peter G. Hoadley Best Paper Award for his CMAME paper
April 1, 2017: Prof. Duddu received partial funding support from the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing and Innovation (IACMI) to develop model-based thermography of composite curing.
March 7, 2017: Prof. Duddu gave an invited seminar talk at Iowa State University, Ames, in the department of Geological and Atmospheric Science.
February 23, 2017: Prof. Duddu gave an invited seminar talk at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in the Civil and Engineering department.
January 1, 2017: High school student Ms. Kristi Maisha begins her study on computer models of truss bridges and ice sheet fracture.
December 1, 2016: Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Pranav Karve begins his work on finite element models of wave propagation in viscoelastic medium.
November 1, 2016: Prof. Duddu received new grant funding from the Vanderbilt Institute in Surgery and Engineering (VISE) to develop wave-mechanics based ultrasound methodologies for kidney stone detection.
October 15, 2016: Prof. Duddu received new grant funding from Office of Naval Research (ONR) to develop computational models and methods for studying fatigue delamination in composite materials.
September 26, 2016: Stephen Jimenez is the first author on a paper that is accepted for publication in the Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
August 15, 2016: Prof. Duddu is the second author on a paper that is published in the Journal of Glaciology.
May 25-27, 2016: Prof. Duddu organized a minisymposium on the numerical modeling of the mechanics of interfaces at the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2016 Conference.
May 20, 2016: Prof. Duddu is the first author on a paper that is accepted for publication in the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics.
November 13, 2015: Prof. Duddu delivered an invited talk on corrosion modeling in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Houston.
October 15, 2015: Stephen Jimenez is the first author on a paper that is accepted for publication in the International Journal for Solids and Structures.
August 15, 2015: Two new Ph.D. students Gourab Ghosh and Xiangming Sun join Prof. Duddu’s group.
July 30, 2015: Prof. Duddu gave a presentation on the Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian Finite Element (CELFE) method at U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics in San Diego.
July 6, 2015: Prof. Duddu’s research work performed at the Naval Research Laboratory was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.
June 20, 2015: Prof. Duddu organized a session on “Computational Methods for Solid and Structural Mechanics” at the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2015 Conference at Stanford University.
June 17, 2015: Stephen Jimenez and Prof. Duddu presented their work at the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2015 Conference at Stanford University.
May 29, 2015: Prof. Duddu is chosen as one of eight Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows at the Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University for 2015-16.
April 15, 2015: Gourab Ghosh from IIT Kanpur and Xiangming Sun from Tianjin University will be joining the research group in Fall 2015 as graduate students.
March 27, 2015: Stephen Jimenez received the NSF student travel award to present a poster at ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2015 conference at Stanford University.
January 12, 2015: Prof. Ravindra Duddu participated in an NSF panel to review research proposals.
November 14-20, 2014: Prof. Ravindra Duddu organized the mini-symposium topic “2-10 Computational Modeling and Simulation for Advanced Manufacturing” at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2014 in Montreal, Canada.
October 1-2, 2014: Prof. Ravindra Duddu and Stephen Jimenez present their work at the Annual Society for Engineering Science 2014 Technical Meeting.
September 29, 2014: Stephen Jimenez’s is the first author on a paper that is accepted for publication to the International Journal of Fracture.
September 13, 2014: Anup Aryal’s Master’s thesis work done collaboratively with researchers at University of Colorado, Boulder, gets accepted for publication in CMAME journal.
August 17, 2014: Congratulations to Anup Aryal on his a Master’s degree (with thesis) in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
August 8, 2014: Prof. Duddu gives a division-wide seminar in the Multi-functional Materials Branch at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC.
August 1, 2014: Prof. Duddu’s article entitled “Numerical modeling of corrosion pit propagation using the combined extended finite element and level set method” was published in the journal of “Computation Mechanics” Volume 54, Issue 3, pp 613-627.
June 2, 2014: Prof. Duddu starts his 10 week ONR Summer Faculty Fellowship Program at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC.
April 28, 2014: Prof. Duddu is awarded a collaborative NSF grant for $200K to study iceberg calving in Antarctic ice shelfs using damage mechanics.
April 21, 2014: Prof. Duddu’s article entitled “Numerical modeling of corrosion pit propagation using the combined extended finite element and level set method” was accepted for publication in the journal of “Computation Mechanics” and is available as ‘Online First’ on SpringerLink.
April 21, 2014: Prof. Duddu visits University of Florida to explore collaboration with Prof. Mark Law on modeling and simulating radiation effects in semiconductor devices.
March 10, 2014: Prof. Duddu gave a talk to middle and high school students and parents as a a part of the Vanderbilt Engineering Explorer on “Career and Research Opportunities in Civil and Environmental Engineering.”
February 20, 2014: Prof. Duddu is appointed as a Senior Fellow to the Naval Research Laboratory in the 2014 ONR Summer Faculty Research Program.
January 4, 2014: Prof. Duddu attends the National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI-1B) workshop in New Orleans organized by the ASEE.
November 18, 2013: Prof. Duddu gives an conference presentation at ASME IMECE in San Diego.
October 25, 2013: Prof. Duddu is awarded the Southeastern Conference (SEC) Visiting Faculty Travel Grant to work with Prof. Mark E. Law at University of Florida, Gainesville.
September 13, 2013: The article titled “Discrete damage zone model for fracture initiation and propagation is recognized by ScienceDirect as one of the Top 25 papers published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics in 2012.
August 14, 2013: Prof. Duddu gave an invited talk on the “Modeling and simulation of corrosion and fracture processes” in the Material Science and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
May 07, 2013: Prof. Duddu was awarded the Discovery Grant by Vanderbilt University for modeling thermoelastic fracture in porous ceramics.
April 04, 2013: Prof. Duddu was awarded the NSF Travel Fellowship to attend the Summer Institute on Materials Genome at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
April 04, 2013: Prof. Duddu gave an invited talk on the “Applications of damage mechanics to modeling creep fracture in ice and delamination in composites” in the Department of Mechanical Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, TN.
January 28, 2013: Graduate students Stephen Jimenez and Anup Aryal join the research group.
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