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Book chapters:

“OMB in its Management Role: Evidence from Surveys of Federal Executives,” (with Mark D. Richardson and Eric Rosenthal), in Meenekshi Bose and Andrew Rudalevige, eds., Prioritizing Presidential Policies: How Does the Office of Management and Budget Influence Executive Policy Making? (Washington, DC: Brookings, 2020).

“The Presidency and the Bureaucracy,” (with Terry M. Moe) In Michael Nelson, ed. The Presidency and the Political System, 11 ed. (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2018).

“Struggling Over Bureaucracy: The Levers of Control,” (with Terry M. Moe) In Michael Nelson, ed. The Presidency and the Political System, 10th ed. Washington, DC: CQ Press (2013). [Download chapter]

“Presidential Politicization of the Executive Branch in the United States,” in Martin Lodge and Kai Wegrich, eds. Executive Politics in Times of Crisis. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (2012). [Download chapter]

“Policy Durability and Agency Design,” in Jeffery A. Jenkins and Eric Patashnik, eds., Living Legislation: Political Development and Contemporary American Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2012). [Download chapter]

“Presidential Appointments in the Obama Administration: An Early Evaluation.” In Andrew Dowdle, Dirk van Raemdonck, Robert Maranto , eds., The Obama Presidency: Change and Continuity. New York: Routledge (2011). [Download chapter]

“Struggling Over Bureaucracy: The Levers of Control,” (with Terry M. Moe) In Michael Nelson, ed. The Presidency and the Political System, 9th ed. Washington, DC: CQ Press (2009). [lewis and moe 2009]

“Personnel is Policy: George W. Bush’s Managerial Presidency,” In Colin Provost and Paul Teske, eds. Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Powers: President George W. Bush’s Influence Over Bureaucracy and Policy. New York: Palgrave (2009). [Download chapter]

“The President and the Evolving Institutional Presidency: Presidential Choice, Institutional Change, and Staff Performance.” In Bert A. Rockman and Richard Waterman, eds. Presidential Leadership: The Vortex of Power. New York: Oxford University Press (2008). [Download chapter]

“The Presidency and the Bureaucracy: Management Imperatives in a Separation of Powers System.”  In Michael Nelson, ed. The Presidency and the Political System, 8PthP ed. Washington, DC: CQ Press (2005). [Download chapter]



Sourcebook of United States Executive Agencies, 2nd ed.(with Jennifer L. Selin). Report for the Administrative Conference of the United States (2018). [Download report]

Survey on the Future of Government Service (with Mark D. Richardson). Report for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (2015). [Download report] [Executive summary] [Methodology] [Topline results] [Slides]

 Sourcebook of United States Executive Agencies (with Jennifer L. Selin). Report for the Administrative Conference of the United States (2012). [Download report]

“Reducing the Number of Political Appointees,” Memos to National Leaders Project, National Academy of Public Administration (2012). [Download report]

“The White House Office of Presidential Personnel,” (with James P. Pfiffner and Bradley H. Patterson) White House Transition Project Report 2009-27 (2008). [Download report]


Book Reviews:

Review of Daniel Treisman, The Architecture of Government: Rethinking Political Decentralization, Public Administration 87(4):983-4 (2009). [Download review]

Review of Kenneth R. Mayer, With the Stroke of a Pen: Executive Orders and Presidential Power. Congress and the Presidency 29(2):230-2 (2002). [Download review]