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Course Blog – Cultural Engagement and Exploration (2017)

The Temple at Segesta and the Athenian Expedition into Sicily

The temple at Segesta is something of an anomaly among Mediterranean temples, and its history involves one of the most disastrous events in the Peloponnesian War. At first glance, the temple doesn’t seem too different from others. However, taking a closer look, it’s hastily constructed and unfinished; the columns remain unfluted and the outcroppings on...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Toto, We’re not in America anymore.

Experience Blog 1 Over the past week, I’ve learned more about Sicily and Italian culture than a semester of classwork could teach me. From our field trips to wandering around the town of Cefalu, I’ve been able to truly witness the amazing culture of the Mediterranean as well as see how Sicilian culture and history...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

I Ristoranti

Michael Pellegrino Experience Blog 1 I had an idea of the way Italians eat meals and the difference in service, but finally getting to experience the long drawn out dinner devoid of intruding servers intent on rushing your party out of the restaurant. The closest I have had to this is our Pellegrino family tradition...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

The One With the Theatre

As soon as I stepped foot into the theatre at Segesta, I could not help but be completely amazed by the beautiful view and condition of the ancient theatre. As I sat down on the stone seats my mind was crowded with thoughts: “How did anyone pay attention to a play with this view?” “How...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Beaches in Sicily

On Thursday, three of us decided to rent scooters and explore the coastline. We traveled eastward on A-20 along the northern coast of the island. This was quite an experience, although a dangerous adventure. It started with renting the scooters, as a nice man in Cefalu, Daniella, rented the three of us scooters with little...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Scene from an Italian Restaurant

Eating meals in Sicily is very different than eating meals in America; meals here are meant to be savored and take hours at a time, while meals in America are usually a hurried affair between meetings. The first time we went to dinner by ourselves in Cefalu, we were already starving by the time we...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Pizzeria in Finale

A couple of days ago, a few of us, after seeing so many local people riding around on them, decided to rent scooters and drive them around to explore the region more outside of Cefalu. We walked into town and found a store renting them out, and started to drive eastward down the coast. Eventually,...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Sicily photo 5

Our trip to the Ancient Phoenician City Mozia

Our second field trip of the maymester begun with a journey to Mozia, a small but very influential Phoenician city located on an island off of the coast of western Sicily. In order to get there, we took a 3-hour bus ride from Cefalù and a 10-minute ferry ride to the island. My first impression...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Off to the Farmers’ Market!

After class on Saturday morning, a few of us decided to go to the Farmers’ Market. Since the Farmers’ Market is only open on Saturday, we wanted to take advantage of our open afternoon, and see if there were any fresh options for lunch. About eight of us set off towards the Farmers’ Market. The...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Exploring the Farmer’s Market

This morning after class, a few of us ventured over to the farmers’ market. The walk was longer than we expected, and much harder to find because there are absolutely no signs. We asked a couple of people and eventually found our way, but each person gave a different answer for how long the walk...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

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Trying to do laundry

Laundry is something that I have been doing since middle school, and can say that I actually enjoy. However, doing laundry while in Cefalu has been a different experience. The first day we tried to do laundry I did not think it would be any different than doing laundry at home. We soon realized that...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Musings Regarding the Teatro

My favorite part of the second field trip was our stop in Segesta, specifically the amphitheater. First of all, the view was beautiful- the rolling green hills, rows of grape plants, and the large countryside hotel in the middle of it all. I know they had scenes to better channel the sound, but I can...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Italian Time…Buona Notte

Last night was the first night we truly experienced Italian dinner and wine on “Italian time” at the wine bar, Nadolina, directly below our apartment.  Upon arriving to the bar at 10 o’clock, the small inside area had only one customer casually enjoying dinner to the ambient sounds of classic American artists such as Ray...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Maybe History Isn’t Too Bad

Being a science major, this trip definitely takes me out of my element as far as all the history material that we have been learning so far. Although the sites are so interesting and beautiful, sometimes all the history presented takes away from the site itself. The first excursion to Solunto was a perfect example of...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Elymians, Greeks, and the UN: International Relationships Past and Present

One of my most memorable experiences in Sicily so far has been our trip to Segesta. The Elymian temple was stunning and so unlike any building or structure in America. Since America is such a young country, we really don’t have any ruins. It’s hard to conceptualize the longevity of the structure because I am...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post